con man STEVEN WOODS and his grippers are in trouble with the dog police, AGAIN. 24 yr old Gary Lattimer, his pregnant wife and their 6 month old son were accosted by 2 shit bulls, one of them being the famous MIMI. Lattimer fended the ugly mutants off, stabbing one and in the mayhem he was bitten. the pit bulls have been seized and pit nutter has admitted to being the owner.

Mr. Ledy Capp, esquire
Attorney at Large
Fort Worth, Texas
Good Day Dear Friends of Wiggle Butts,
I am Mr. Ledy Capp, Attorney at large for Mr. Steven Woods. I have a most important business proposition.
In November 2010, a detestable contractor operating on the legal representation of the city of Fort Worth confiscated the dearest companion to the most honorable and disabled Iraqi Army Vet, Steven Woods. Mr. Woods is unable to financially declare his dearest most beloved companion due to financial limitations beyond his paramount abilities.
I therefore made further investigation and discovered that Mr. Woods requires $17,000 to complete the declaration of his most beloved companion.
There is no risk at all as all the paperwork for this transaction. If you are interested, please reply immediately to my private email box :
Upon your response, I shall then provide you with more details and relevant documents that will help you understand the transaction. You will also receive a commemorative shirt in acknowledgement of your most generous benefaction to Mr Woods most extreme dire predicament. You should observe utmost confidentiality, and rest assured that this transaction would be most profitable for all pit bulls, here and in the future.
If this business transaction should otherwise prove objectionable, the collected proceeds shall be bestowed upon benevolent wiggle butts at your disposal.
Awaiting your urgent reply.
Thanks and regards.
and always eternally grateful
for the pit bulls,
Mr. Ledy Capp, esquire
I KID!!!!
$17,000 was collected on behalf of MIMI the pit bull who was supposed to be a service dog to STEVEN WOODS, who was supposed to be a wounded Iraqi army vet. but guess what? Mimi isn't a service dog, WOODS never served in the army, never served overseas and was never injured. WOODS' attorney RANDY TURNER, resigned from the case. i doubt that he will be taking on any more pit nutters as clients. fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me.
crazy no kill spinster JONNIE ENGLAND (holding the pit) helped collect $17,000 to free MIMI from the evils of justice and sent her back to her pit grifter owner STEVEN WOODS.
and what exactly was poor MIMI being persecuted for?
MIMI attacked an 84 yr old man.
MIMI and her 3 fur siblings attacked a 64 yr old woman.
MIMI and/or her fur siblings were pepper sprayed by the police.
MIMI and/or her fur sibling chased a group of children and her grifter daddy became belligerent with the neighbor who threatened to shoot the mutants.
The Dallas-based Metroplex Animal Coalition will refund any donation on request, spokeswoman Jonnie England said. The address is
"For us, it was all about saving Mimi's life, not the owner," England said.
cuz you can never have too many frankenmaulers.
obtw, the star telegram reports that the Facebook thugs are still repeating the old lies. i haven't been able to find it. if you see it, send it on over.
the really sad part is, next month there will be another persecuted pit bull to crusade for and the pit nutters will once again jump on the band wagon. fool nutter twice, shame on nutter. is also covering this grifter's game.
Jonnie England is the perfect kind of mark for these pit grifters.
A pitiful, gullible woman who just needs to read or hear about some emotional fake story, and she'll not only blow her own money, she'll take other people's money for the scam too.
It makes you wonder if she wasn't in league with Woods to start.
These pit nutters seem to have no clue that in the world of thieves, word has gotten out that they are STUPID, and will paypal money to anyone- it just takes a sob story.
All these scam pit bull rescues, scam pit bull advocacy groups. They are hustling big time, and the pit nutters believe the lies.
Think if Jonnie England got off her large posterior and raised some money and spayed some pit bulls! Actually DID it, sponsored it, raised money, organized it, DID it. THAT would prevent a lot of suffering. But then she'd have to actually expend some calories, instead of sit at a computer participating in a scam.
Plus idiots like England let other breeds die, while they waste money and effort on these pit grifters.
Best Friends has wasted donor money on pit grifters and scams too, so she has plenty of company. Ledy VanKavage is as gullible, but Ledy spends DONORS money! And Ledy knows she's just getting rid of dogs so Best Friends won't have to pay for them, and then Ledy lies to donors. So Ledy isn't a victim, she's a perp, and Best Friends is too.
The ole veteran therapy/service Pit schtick....
They need to start raising money for Pit shredding victims. They have been AWOL on financial indemnifying their oral guarantees of Pit Bull safety.
Who can forget when Denver gave Chummy the PTSD "Service" Pit an exemption to the Pit Bull ban?!?
Result...Disloyal Chummy went on to maul his owner and the taxpayers funded a 911 response.
And this is why Denver must fight the idiot feds!
Check out the profile of the moron behind the t-shirt.
Anon 3:27,
Read about Chummy. Thanks for the link. The author went pretty much stream of consciousness, strange to read.
He mentioned "pit bull placebo". I glanced at it and descriptions, I have a feeling it tracks a handful of attacks and rationalizes why it was not the dog's fault. Am I right? Any critiques of it?
Is this the same Karen Delise as pit bull placebo?
Has anyone contacted the websites that are still posting this fraud? Shouldn't they update their readers and change the headlines?
What's really offensive is the Metroplex Animal Coalitions response to this fraud...they released a statement from the attorney..
“Steven Woods is profoundly grateful to Metroplex Animal
Coalition and to all of the generous donors who saved his
beloved dog, Mimi, from being euthanized. Unfortunately, Steven has recently been the subject of negative media reports concerning his military service. In an effort to avoid any question
of impropriety Steven has asked me to return to MAC all of the money that was raised for him. He requests that these funds
be returned to the donors.”
They go on to say that any remaining money will be used to pay for Mimi's care and kenneling...they are unapologetic and want to keep the money. This man DISHONORED our disabled veterans who served and sacrificed for this country. He impersonated a disabled veteran and LIED about his dog being a therapy dog to make money and keep his back yard breeding business going. These crazy women at Metroplex Animal Coalition should be ASHAMED of themselves. They are still not coming clean about the fraud committed. They need to hear from the families of REAL disabled veterans, victims of TBI, young men and women who have lost arms and legs. NONE of this money should be kept for "Mimi's care", let the pit bulls advocates pay for that themselves. ALL money should be refunded to the donors, and Woods should face criminal charges for impersonating a disable veterans in order to commit fraud.
I can't believe veteransd groups are not livid about this.
Just when you think pit bull advocacy could not get more outrageous... Just when you think you have seen the ultimate in pit grifterism... A new and over-the-top scam turns up and sets the bar at a whole new height. Amazing.
The two ladies at this anti-social rescue org pissed me off so I wrote a short lil diddy about it....
Torn between two Nutters
Placing pits like a ghoul
Everyone knows breeding dogs to kill each other is breaking nature's rules.
Meanwhile, out in Maulifornia where Pits have killed 6 residents in 2010:
Have I posted yet today how much I hate pit nutters?
From the hearing service dog link on post above, it really bothers me to think of a service animal being hurt. I know they are just following their training, but still I can't help but fill that a single legitimate service animal is worth a pile of 1,000 pit bulls.
So Jonnie England is of the Metroplex Animal Coalition; she so looks the part! 200 donors and nearly $18,000. You know 80% came from 20% of the donors (at least, that is usually how it works). England must have enlisted a few "elderly" women, who before dying, felt they must help save the life of a two-time mauling mutant.
The pit nutters were calling the elderly victims liars in the comments section. They are still insisting Mimi is innocent. Victims of pit bull attacks are often targeted by these groups, harrassed, accused of being liars, etc.
Steven Woods also allegedly threatened a neighbor who told him that he would shoot his dogs if he didn't get them under control....the dogs were loose and chasing/threatening kids in the neighborhood. Woods is most likely a sociopath...the very same type of deviant attracted to this breed.
A good rule of thumb to follow is that ANY "rescue" organization that campaigns to "save" a dog involved in a biting incident is not legit. Far too many innocent, friendly, non-aggressive animals die in shelters for want of resources for any legitimate group to put energy and money into saving dangerous dogs.
one real service dog is more than all of the pit bulls combined.
"Steven Woods also allegedly threatened a neighbor who told him that he would shoot his dogs if he didn't get them under control'
So is this guy also an illegal breeder, not reporting the income and cheating on his taxes?
Loose pit bull must mean get out the gun before it or they kill someone.
Why are the neighbors waiting? Don't talk. Just take care of business.
Metroplex Animal Coalition needs to be reported to the IRS as a scam using charity designation to do so.
They told lies, they scammed the public, they collected money under false pretenses and are still using it for such, they are STILL telling lies. TO MAKE MONEY. ILLEGALLY.
Has all the money really been returned? Who is to believe these liars? They may have collected much more and are hiding it and keeping it.
The IRS however wants to know. This organization needs to provide records of everything, and the only way the IRS can know about this fraudulent organization and this scam is if it GETS REPORTED. Yes, it can be done anonymously.
Compile the charity's name, address and taxpayer identification number (Federal EIN number 75-2907302 , Metroplex Animal Coalition, Metroplex Animal Coalition
8333 Douglas Ave Ste 1350
Dallas, TX 752250
A listed contact there is Robert L Trimble, who assumes some responsibility for this mauling-enabling, scamming organization. Strangely, there have listed themselves as an Organization to prevent cruelty to CHILDREN. More scam? Their 990s are there. This scam brought them roughly a quarter of their income this year!)
Describe the alleged violative conduct, how it was discovered, the dates it occurred and the dollar amount involved. This information needs to be as accurate as you can possibly make the information. The Internal Revenue Service does not expect you to provide all of the information, but they do prefer enough information to show a possible fraudulent activity did occur
Complete IRS Form 3949 A, available online, or compile a letter including the information listed in section 1, together with any further evidence of the alleged fraud. Form 3949 A asks you to check a box for the fraudulent activity you think is occurring. Also, it requests a written description of the fraudulent activity. At the end of the form, the Internal Revenue Service asks for your name and personal information. You do not need to provide your personal information, as it is okay for you to submit the form anonymously. However, the Internal Revenue Service prefers if you file the form or write the letter while providing your personal information. The information on Form 3949 A or the written letter should come from the information you compiled in Section 1.
Mail the letter or the form to:
Internal Revenue Service
CA 93888
Metroplex Animal Coalition needs to be reported to the IRS as a scam using charity designation to do so.
They told lies, they scammed the public, they collected money under false pretenses and are still using it for such, they are STILL telling lies. TO MAKE MONEY. ILLEGALLY.
Has all the money really been returned? Who is to believe these liars? They may have collected much more and are hiding it and keeping it.
The IRS however wants to know. This organization needs to provide records of everything, and the only way the IRS can know about this fraudulent organization and this scam is if it GETS REPORTED. Yes, it can be done anonymously.
Compile the charity's name, address and taxpayer identification number (Federal EIN number 75-2907302 , Metroplex Animal Coalition, Metroplex Animal Coalition
8333 Douglas Ave Ste 1350
Dallas, TX 752250
A listed contact there is Robert L Trimble, who assumes some responsibility for this mauling-enabling, scamming organization. Strangely, there have listed themselves as an Organization to prevent cruelty to CHILDREN. More scam? Their 990s are there. This scam brought them roughly a quarter of their income this year!)
Describe the alleged violative conduct, how it was discovered, the dates it occurred and the dollar amount involved. This information needs to be as accurate as you can possibly make the information. The Internal Revenue Service does not expect you to provide all of the information, but they do prefer enough information to show a possible fraudulent activity did occur
Complete IRS Form 3949 A, available online, or compile a letter including the information listed in section 1, together with any further evidence of the alleged fraud. Form 3949 A asks you to check a box for the fraudulent activity you think is occurring. Also, it requests a written description of the fraudulent activity. At the end of the form, the Internal Revenue Service asks for your name and personal information. You do not need to provide your personal information, as it is okay for you to submit the form anonymously. However, the Internal Revenue Service prefers if you file the form or write the letter while providing your personal information. The information on Form 3949 A or the written letter should come from the information you compiled in Section 1.
Mail the letter or the form to:
Internal Revenue Service
CA 93888
You see that this false "organization to prevent cruelty to children" is on the registration data they provided to the IRS, as per
Yes, helping to save dogs that WANT TO KILL KIDS.
And this Metroplex Animal Coalition clearly feels it needs to protect dogs that want to kill other people's pets too.
They seem to support all kinds of cruelty.
IRS registration data
IRS district of jurisdiction: North Texas
Federal EIN: 75-2907302
Ruling date: Dec 1, 2000
Classified by IRS as: Organization to Prevent Cruelty to Children
Basic info
Name: Metroplex Animal Coalition
Address: 8333 DOUGLAS AVE STE 1350
DALLAS, TX 75225-5860
Send this info and details of their scam and misbehavior to
Internal Revenue Service
CA 93888
The sad irony here is that Pit Bulls have severely disabled thousands .
Scroll down here for a full list of this organization's directors.
I don't think these people are gullible. They full well knew they were trying to enable a vicious dog that would attack again and even kill. These morons hate people AND other breeds of dog. They don't care who gets killed by these pit bulls!
I think they saw an opportunity to score some money and get publicity too.
Have they been filing more recent 990s?
The worst news here? The president of this mauler-enabling organization Elaine Munch is on the City of Dallas Animal Shelter Commission!
Unethical people like this who support vicious dogs are on these city animal control commissions pulling strings and forcing citizens to submit to these crazy personal interests, like allowing people and their pets to get attacked over and over again by dogs that should be getting euthanized.
Munch should be removed IMMEDIATELY from this commission. She's a danger to people and pets alike in Dallas.
And a Dr. Janie Carpenter DVM is a part of this scamming organization too. Paul Carroll DVM is on the advisory board.
This is how average people are being forced to submit to being mauled and attacked, because zealots like this get to be on these commissions and make up rules for everyone, that also enable money to come into these organizations that they feed off. No More private interests controlling animal control!
They are using public safety and public health related government entities for their own private interests. Elected officials need to control things like city animal shelters and animal control, so the PUBLIC is protected and gets its needs met, not private interest wackos.
Lt. Scott Walton of Dallas Animal Services is involved with them too.
This guy was involved with an organization trying to protect a dog that had mauled TWO PEOPLE? And he's on the animal control department?
This Janie Carpenter DVM is also involved with No Kill wackos that want to force the city of Garland Texas to release aggressive dogs to these sleazy, undocumented "rescue groups" so the dogs can get sold and attack again.
No Kill cruelty at work again, making sure that kids and other breeds of dog die so vicious dogs can get sold by scammers who then "fundraise" for more money.
The Nathan Winograd method, which is where these kinds of scams originate. He cousels these nuts on how to rig up these "save the poor dog" scams so they can call people killers and rake in money.
I would not doubt that this scam with Metroplex and Woods originated with assistance from Winograd. He sneaks around behind the scenes and emails and counsels these people on how to pull scams and pr blitzes like this, how to smear others in the community, and also how to attack anyone who disagrees with them. Another terrorist attack from Winograd No Kill, to make some fast money and get publicity.
You notice how all these "save the poor doggie from the killers" scams have all the same characteristics, all the same tactics, all the same language?
Winograd again! His "destroy the regime" agenda and push private business interests (like the pit bull breeders interests) into animal control using No Kill fanatics.
This is what he came up with, to use emotional scams like this to attack sane people in animal control and the government and the community, so his cronies can get what they want.
His cronies are the pit bull breeders and dog fighters, which MORONS like Jonnie England don't even realize.
Rick Berman and Nathan Winograd work together, Jonnie, you clueless idiot.
Why isn't the local papers looking into this like we are? Seriously, all I ever hear about is the big media conspiracy against pit bulls. More like the media cover up FOR pit bulls!!
An observation on the "you're more likely to die from X,Y,or Z than a pit bull attack" argument...
This is probably obvious, but, if you haven't thought of it, here's another arrow for your quivers.
The various quoted saftey statistics are what is called an unconditional probability. It is a useful concept in some cases, but assumes that risk is evenly spread across the population, which it is not. We need to think in terms of conditional probabilities. As an example, what is the probability of being attacked by a pit bull in your neighborhood conditional on living in Newark, NJ vs. conditional on living in a gated community somewhere in NW Connecticut?
For a child living around many pit bulls, the chances of being attacked when doing kid things near their home is unreasonably high.
Further, the probability of an event must be weighted by the consequences of the event. Rare events with highly negative consequences (such as death) are addressed preemptively all the time.
Relatively few pets were killed by Chinese dog food, but we still insisted upon action.
Here's the thing: you have to buy the dog food and feed it to your dog; it doesn't chase after your dog begging to be fed while covering up its ingredients and country of origin. Bad food is bad food, no one questions whether it should remain on the shelves. But with pit bulls, people refuse to acknowledge dog aggression. It doesn't matter where you live, all you need is one bleeding heart rescue angel or someone's college kid bringing a dog home for Christmas break to have a problem. One pit bull is really all it takes. Your chances of being hurt by that pit bull mulitply if you venture outside your home, for example joggers or dog walkers. But it still exists inside your yard or inside your home.
Passed a "lost dog" sign today in another neighborhood - pit bull. How far can a dog wander in a matter of a few days? None of us are safe anywhere.
Where does Winograd get the ideas for these "radical" scams?
Saul Alinsky, a Stalinist type terrorist who advocated for this kind of propaganda and smear attack. "He identified a set of very specific rules that ordinary citizens could follow, and tactics that ordinary citizens could employ, as a means of gaining public power. His motto was, "The most effective means are whatever will achieve the desired results."
In other words, lie cheat or steal to get what results you want and take over! It doesn't matter who gets hurt or dies, as long as you get what you want! And what Alinsky wants is power and $$, despite all the talk about helping the little guy.
If you need further proof that Winograd is involved in these "save the vicious doggie" things, see this posting from another "save the doggie" publicity campaign that had some big nasty questions, Alinsky pushing and Winograd pushing, together.
"Justice for Bella.
Meet Saul Alinsky, the father of "community organizing," and famous author of "Rules for Radicals."
Saul Alinsky's work is an important reference point for thinking about community organizing and community development. His books Reveille for Radicals (1946) and Rules for Radicals (1971) were both classic explorations of organizing and remain popular today."
These "save the doggie" scams and tactics are coming straight from Winograd, who fashions himself an Alinskyite, as he endeavors to help Rick Bermans Consumer Freedom clients, namely dog breeders, dog fighters, the AKC, the puppy mills from the "evil animal control" that actually wants enforced rules so people and pets don't get killed.
Mr. Winograd pretends to be a Marxist, but it's capitalism all the way with this guy! He just needs his No Kill "rescue" dupes to do his deeds for his Berman friends behind him.
For those of you in Delaware, here's how these Winograd No Kill nuts are going to try to force your animal control to release vicious dogs into your community to kill you and your pets, info via Justice for Bella.
scroll down to Richard Meier, thanking people like this for "helping"
This is how Winograd works, through terroristic threats and activity to government employees and sane people in the community, from No Kill nutcases (and the breeders among them who pretend to care about shelter dogs) that don't care how many people or pets die, as long as they take over and promote and protect vicious dogs and make money from them.
The dog fighters and breeders use No Kill for their $$$$$$$ interests.
The majority of the public and the majority of dogs suffer.
Richard Meier is involved with Nathan Winograd. Notice his comment that if Delaware animal control doesn't release vicious dogs to the nuts to send out to hurt people and pets, he and No Kill Delaware will "sue"
These No Kill crazies want to decide what dogs are ok, and what ones aren't (which is none, because clearly they think a two-time mauler is just fine!)
(They also want to try to force shelters to dump cats outdoors to die and call them "wild" so they aren't "euthanized." They don't care when these cats kill songbirds and crap in your kid's sandbox and your garden, spreading toxoplasmosis, before they starve to death or die of disease.)
This is what you are dealing with, folks. People who DO NOT CARE if you die, your kids die, your pets die. They just want to take over animal control and protect vicious dogs via "No Kill," and by changing laws in your state to bend to No Kill's desires. They want to stop your animal control departments from euthanizing vicious dogs. They want to force animal control to give dogs to breeders and hoarders to make the problem worse. They want to help the breeders breed and dump even more vicious dogs.
No Kill is a disease that is hurting and killing a lot of people and animals. No Kill really is terrorism.
I want to give credit to a place where I really figured out what is going on with this No Kill terrorism. No Kill is what is behind things like this Woods service dog scam.
This No Kill thing is such a disaster for man AND beast. And it solely is a tiny fragment of pushy, crazy, selfish sociopaths in league with the breeders.
Nathan Winograd should be held accountable for his crimes. Although there certainly are other no kill cult leaders, he's the most corrupt and the one who supports this bloodshed the most.
Here is Turner's explanation as to why he took the case....
thank you for this link. i feel very sorry for this attorney. he was the victim of an extremely polished psychopath.
The flim-flammer actually had the balls to illegally wear "his" uniform to court sporting medals...I would love to see a photo of the medals....normally a guardsmen who never deployed wouldn't have much to sport.
Army Regulation 670-1:
d. In accordance with chapter 45, section 771, title 10, United States Code (10 USC 771), no person except a member of the U.S. Army may wear the uniform, or a distinctive part of the uniform of the U.S. Army unless otherwise authorized by law. Additionally, no person except a member of the U.S. Army may wear a uniform, any part of which is similar to a distinctive part of the U.S. Army uniform. This includes the distinctive uniforms and uniform items listed in paragraph 1–12 of this regulation. Paragraph 1–12 goes on to define "Distinctive uniforms and uniform items:"
a. The following uniform items are distinctive and will not be sold to or worn by unauthorized personnel:
•(1) All Army headgear, when worn with insignia.
•(2) Badges and tabs (identification, marksmanship, combat, and special skill).
•(3) Uniform buttons (U.S. Army or Corps of Engineers).
•(4) Decorations, service medals, service and training ribbons, and other awards and their appurtenances.
•(5) Insignia of any design or color that the Army has adopted
"i feel very sorry for this attorney."
I don't. A lawyer is supposed to do his homework. This guy was grandstanding for attention and BUSINESS. When a lawyer's name gets in the press, that is free advertising. These storefront guys pull this crap all the time. They know they are doing wrong. They want the publicity, because it means cash to them.
Didn't this attorney know that this dog had already attacked two people? He knew the dog was dangerous but he wanted to send it back to this creep to attack again?
And anyone knows there is no such thing as a pit bull service dog. No dog with a high prey drive and inability to control itself is appropriate as a service dog, certainly no fighting breed.
If this Woods truly were disabled, he would have been provided with an appropriate, trained service dog free of charge from one of the charities that does this.
And how does a DISABLED guy handle a household of active, strong pit bulls?
This lawyer was as much a part of the con as any of them.
Probably worse, because he's supposed to be an officer of the court and do his homework before he opens his mouth.
Donors that got scammed should report him to his licensing board, which is why he is desperately trying to weasel out of this. He's afraid he'll get a reprimand or suspension which he deserves. He's just in CYA mode.
According to this article, Woods was on Probation for punching a Police Officer in the face...Just Tia Torres" type!
I agree with the above poster....pit bulls as service dogs pretty much don't exist. Individuals claiming they need a pit for a service dog are usually scammers. Truly disabled people are struggling to live their lives and accomplish everyday chores, they don't want a service dog that people are going to question as being legitimate, be afraid of, etc. They aren't looking for more obstacles. Disabled folks are not trying to make political statements and promote pit bulls, they are trying to live their lives. To my knowledge there has never been a guide dog for the blind that was a pit bull.
Also, there are no "intact" service dogs, period. An intact dog is NOT a service dog. And anyone who has multiple dogs and still claims to be disabled and that one or more dogs work as service dogs is also a scammer.
I would also like to point out that the nebulous definition of an "emotional support dog" seems to be the common ruse used by pit bull scammers to designate their dog as a fake service dog. Yes, I have anxiety and a "nervous condition", but my pit bull makes me feel better, so I want to take him everywhere with me, even though he isn't really trained.....I think this bullshit has to end.
It's total BS, but the sad thing is that a pit bull does seem like the pit nutters main "emotional support" and "penis extender". I'd like to see a little t-shirt on a pit "service dog" that says "please do not pet me, I am working as a penis extension right now."
I have a pittie service dog...He carries my stash and helps me get down to the liquor store.
Under the new CDC rules, emotional service dogs won't be considered service dogs. In some states, you can get a note from your dr. that the emotional service dog is necessary which would allow a person to take the dog into public places that disallow pets.
This dog was often called a therapy dog in news reports. Therapy dogs do receive training and are certified but are for taking to schools, hospitals, and retirement homes for the benefit of other people.
This is why Denver should fight tooth and nail to avoid the pit service dog exception and Aurora was stupid to capitulate.
After Mount Clemens defeated the Pit Queda and passed Pit Bull regulations, distraught Pit breeder Andre Knight just had to get in front of the news crew camera and spew about "Bad Raps" and minimize the community's Pit Bull safety concerns. Turns out that Andre is a convicted felon and registered sex offender!
Special investigative accolades go to Craven Desires for digging this up....
"Truly disabled people are struggling to live their lives and accomplish everyday chores, they don't want a service dog that people are going to question as being legitimate, be afraid of, etc"
And they don't want a service dog that will suddenly and without warning attack another dog or a child when they are going for a walk or in a park or at a store, or at their apartment or house. A "service dog" that will break through a window to attack!
A "service dog" that even according to the nutters themselves requires a vast amount of exercise or they have problems!
If someone thinks it is a good idea to keep a dangerous breed, then they can be convinced of almost anything.
The former attorney, Randy Turner, is now representing someone against a whistleblower.
Granted this case is not about pits but it shows that this attorney will take on anyone that gives him a sob story. Mary Cummins is a renowned wildlife rescuer, very respected. This attorney is making her fly back and forth to Texas from California, in essence hoping to break her financially so she will give up the case. She won't and she has now hired an attorney herself. It's these kinds of attorneys that enable such to happen.
Woods is in some pretty serious "doo" right now. It's unknown who, if anyone, will come to his aide this time around. It will be interesting to see what the charges are next week. My gut tells me that he might flee jurisdiction before hand.
It would in fact be nice if The Fed would at some part start a serious RICO investigation into the entire world of dogfighting + PB advocacy, unraveling the whole knot of corruption and organized criminal interests involved. Including minor frauds like England, but also witness intimidation, etc, that goes on mostly on-line.
Hahaha, fat chance....
You have hurt your cause more than you know, by not only allowing but supporting abusive comments towards "pit nutters" or shall I say, anyone who asked questions and doesn't have blind faith that one of Gods beautiful creatures is not infact the devil his self in a K9 body, or anyone who knows a thing or two about this breed. But refusing to publish anyones comments that don't agree in your extreme generalizing issues, supposibly to "protect victoms", when in truth it is to protect yourself and the "site" from the truth.
You have shown your slimey colors by supporting such a site like CravensDesires who runs on the abusive words used to describe anyone with a heart and a working brain. A recent "Blog" yeah right, of yours has become a laughing stock for many, regarding a woman that had recently adopted a pitbull that had turned on her husband and other dog. I wonder, if her pitbull hadn't attacked, would you still be able to "forgive her"? Doubt it!
Creating a toll regarding a man who has done nothing exept show with proof, that infact ALL DOGSBITE! Something your decietful "site" has should of been doing the entire time! How very 'Professional' "pit nutters" and all the other abusive words and comments used by yourself and followers to describe and generalize the entire pitbull comunity. For everyONE that does attack, there is hundreds of thousands that will never! For every low life abusive owner, there is10 that indeed do care and love their pitbulls that are harmless. But they are all the same?
Your past and your (conditions) are being exposed, you will be remembered as the Schizo you are! You are all ready being compared to Hitler:)
I do not and have never owned a pitbull but I'm guessing I'm a "pit nutter" aswell?
It was probably best to keep your identity a secret being such a nut case extremest, who's goal is to rip thousands of families apart and kill off an entire breed! Btw you should probly keep your public speaking to a minimal, your public debates with actual perfessionals has been very amusing and has proven yourself to be very uneducated. Comparing pitbulls to lightning rods was a gutbuster! When presented with a question on a subject you are ignorant about (pitbulls, dangerous dogs, dog attacks and prevention) you have no educated answer. So keep up the great work! I'm sure thee entire civillized word will see you either dead or in prison in do time, where sadistic criminals belong.
unknown, are you confused or just stupid?
first, pit bulls are NOT god's creation. they are MAN'S. please read this and educate yourself.
second, i never said they were the devil (i am an atheist stupid!). i have called them ugly and mutants and frankenmaulers, because, well, because they are.
third, i publish everyone's comments UNLESS they refer to me as a certain city attorney. the more fucking vulgar and insulting the comment, the better!!! my all time favorite referred to me as a pimple on a mulatto crack whore's ass. that is just fucking awesome. hateful, vulgar, sexist and racist all in one neat little pit nutter package. i wouldn't dream of preventing you fucktards from showing world what you really are.
fourth, i love to read what nutters say about me. please post a link to my "laughing stock" blog post.
fifth, yes all dogs bite. DUH! few dogs attack cars, cows, horses, their owners, swat teams, few dogs bust through fences and windows, bust chains, chew through walls, jump out of cars (or into them) to flex their genetic muscle. few dogs amputate, scalp and murder at the rate of gripping dogs and most dogs don't do it all. most dogs are physically incapable of creating that kind of mayhem.
sixth, i have never called for pits to be rounded up and put in gas ovens. if people want to refer to me as hitler, that's their problem. classic pit nutter denial. you are incapable of actually reading what i write here. you fucktards are way too emotional. get a fucking grip! take a deep breath, slow down and actually R-E-A-D.
seventh, you must not be very familiar with my blog as i place equal blame on the owners. it is never just the breed and it is never just the owner. it is always BOTH.
eighth, you are correct, you are a pit nutter. you don't need to own one to be one. you know how i know?
i used to be one.
ninth, thanks for visiting and tell all of your nutter friends!
ps don't forget to visit the truth blog :)
pss and thank you soooooo much for the threats of violence in your poorly written rambling. icing on the fucking cake.
unknown nutter, your last email appropriately landed in spam. i think i figured out from this one that you think i am colleen lynn. nope, fucking wrong again asshole.
i am really tired of other people getting credit for my rage and research. convince creepy craven to release your comment. answer a couple of questions for me:
1) how far did you make it through school?
2) is this Jacqueline Hayes?
Don't you just love it when a pit nutter, who can't spell, or construct a sentence, calls anyone else uneducated?
Don't you just love it whan a nutter whines about unkind statements made concerning "One of God's beautiful creatures" and then goes on to make death threats?
You can't make this stuff up...
april29, i especially liked "perfessionals".
i am still waiting to hear if this is jackie hayes from savannah, georgia. something tells me....
Lmfao your a funny bugger!
1- I am a ER, RN. I seconed in Animal Behavior
2- nope! "Wrong again Asshole" :)
Now please post my effin comment to that evil Cunt! Please and thank you
"I am a ER, RN. I seconed in Animal Behavior"
Again, poor sentence construction, or poor grammar, take your choice. What does "I seconed in Animal Behavior" mean?
If this individual works in a hospital Emergency Room, she cleans rooms or she is a nursing assistant. Professional nurses must be able to communicate.
Every hospital offers anger management and stress reduction programs for employees. Contact with a State Board of Nursing will give a "Registered Nurse" contact information for substance abuse programs.
"Now please post my effin comment to that evil Cunt! Please and thank you"
well, since you phrased it so politely and perfessionally...
Wow, am I suffering from confirmation bias or are most pit nutters really this below average? I really would like to think better of this particular class of dog owner, but alas I cannot.
Then the unknown pit nutter goes on to reference FUzupf and his pearls of wisdom that smell unsurprisingly like dung. Can anyone who watches FUzupf and takes him morally or intellectually seriously be counted upon to have an opinion worthy of debate?
‘Unknown’ said, "1- I am a ER, RN. I seconed in Animal Behavior"
Too bad, because I, 1) firsted in Animal Behavior, while you, 2) obviously can’t spell “sucked” in Animal Behavior.
Nuk, Nuk, Nuk!
Nothing funnier than a barely functioning primate on the webernet. Back to your tire swing, stooopid!
Most likely an otherwise unemployable Pit Breeder with no other options in life...That's why they desperately resort to lying....
This is about keeping breeding markets open.
unknown psycho pit nutter has proven the blogger spam comment filter to be a serendipitous one. your comments keep landing there. but from here on, comments will be moderated.
i am the only person who's reputation will be defamed on this blog. from here on libelous comments had better be spelled out.
i will address some of your comments.
you were banned from boo fucking hoo.
you have no beef with my opinions? you might wanna rethink that position. you either haven't read this blog or your reading comprehension is as finely honed as your writing. *i agree with the content of
and i think both nutter and mutant should be regulated.
email me, we'll chat.
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