strike number 4 for this nazi wannabe. first one of his mutants (CISCO) killed another one of his mutants (RUDY). then his shop pit bull CINNABON went missing, TWICE. now one of JAMES' mutants attacked a corgi.
be sure to cast your vote for a dirt nap in this link.
For the Nutters who enjoy having a burger at Ciscos....
Remeber, Jesse represents YOU!!
This is an interesting story for me because at the time Cinnabon went missing I remember I had a favorable opinion of pitbulls, having been influenced by all the puff pieces and feel good "bad rap" stories in the media. Jesse also benefited from the image of bad boy gone straight, as the faithful Mr Sandra Bullock.
But now that the deception is uncovered, I must say that Jesse and his pits appear in a rather different light.
i'm confused how the pit nutters have been able to sway public opinion in such a way that their mutants enjoy valued family member status, yet our dogs are expendable pets.
That is exactly the disconnect, the nature of the double standard that bothers me. I couldn't have said it better.
It reminds me of a kid with a violent aggression problem whose parents have successfully lobbied to have them placed in a regular classroom despite risks to other students.
It's odd that in a "post-columbine" era, we are highly sensitive to any sign of violence in children (even though it's all how you raise'em?!?), yet our American love of dogs keeps half of us blinded to these dangers.
Another thought I'm entertaining is the sociological function of the functional pit nutter and the non-pit nutter with nutter sympathies. It is my contention that these people who might be called "moderates" on the issue, provide important cover for pit nutters. They are the buffer, the ones that can have their well of sympathies drawn upon or the responsible pit bull owner that can be pointed toward as the example of "it's all how you raise'em, see?".
These responsible pit bull owners, in particular, do us an immediate favor, on one hand, by decreasing dog violent. On the other hand, though, they nearly guarantee that common sense will not prevail. They are like somewhat functional users of a dangerous drug that can be used to argue against regulation of the substance because it can be marginally handled by some.
Pit Bull "Bubba" does not work out as a retriever for duck hunting...He could retrieve alright, but would then run off and eventually rip the ducks to shreds.
**Disclaimer...I am not making this up.
vintage, what a fantastic duck hunting article. funny writer.
dubv, i think the pit nutters are able to garner much of their non pit owning support with the fear mongering ruse "your breed will be next". although that tactic wasn't used to brainwash me, it is fairly easy to dupe the doberman, husky, german shepherd, great dane crowd with that one, despite the fact that there is no record of one of these breeds amputating the arm of a human adult.
The "your breed will be next" scam is being milked for all it's worth, what with the nutters claiming that ACO swat teams will kick down your doors and confiscate your beloved pets if we don't all stand with owners of mutant fighting dogs and oppose BSL.
I recently read something written by a pit apologist who actually claimed that GSDs are so dangerous that there is a movement under way to ban them. Yeah right - maybe in pit nutter fantasies. Typical shuck and jive, put the focus on any other breed, no actual facts needed.
I also can't understand why so many accept that pit bull owners' pits must be protected because they're family members, but the rest of our dogs get killed and often the pit owner only gets a "dog at large" citation.
"These responsible pit bull owners, in particular, do us an immediate favor, on one hand, by decreasing dog violent. On the other hand, though, they nearly guarantee that common sense will not prevail. They are like somewhat functional users of a dangerous drug that can be used to argue against regulation of the substance because it can be marginally handled by some."
I completely agree with this, but could never express it so well!
After a lull in may, Pit bull fatalities have resumed - another Darwin attack makes it 8 DBRFs so far this year - story here
It just occurred to me that people who have pit bulls in their homes are a lot like Timothy Treadwell, the bear expert who was devoured by bears, along with his girlfriend.
Will people ever learn?
it looks like darwin has been busy.
i am sure that if timothy and his girl friend showed the bears the proper respect, they would still be alive :)
What do you expect of bears when they're chained, starved, and forced to fight? There are no bad bears - just bad owners!
The key to a loving nanny bear is to properly socialize, exercise, and of course, love and respect your whittle gwizzly by starting him off right! http://www.foundshit.com/images/animals0004.jpg
That nanny bear is wearing a muzzle!
jesse is the poster child for scumbags and LOL scumbag pit bull owners. i use him as an example all the time. he left is dogs alone in the shop together and one killed the other. he allowed cinnawhatever to roam the streets of la!!! not sure what dogs he bought but a real dog man would never ever ever leave two dogs alone together. how difficult is it to just crate them when you are not home? jrt owners know this!!! what could that talented kat von d be thinking? it really looks like that man wears brylcreem!!! whiny little bitch!!! craven, i think i mentioned him before to you and my guess that the vick dogs are not even apbt's!!! we are a team!!!
happy to supply the ammo. for your gun:)
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