On Saturday, October 23rd the nutters will be wearing their tin foil hats and hitting the streets circulating their propaganda like the nanny dog, the dangerous bloodhound and brainwashing people about the evil media. click here to join in the cult activities nearest you.
pbrc has put their own unique spin on the festival with National "I Own a There's No Such Thing as a Pit Bull" Day!
Say it loud and say it proud nutters!
I own a pit bull and I have a B-12 deficiency.
I own a pit bull and I have Williams Syndrome.
I own a pit bull and I can field strip and lubricate an AK-47 in under 3 minutes.
I own a pit bull and I am incapable of telling the truth.
I own a pit bull and I am a 40 yr old spinster incapable of connecting with my own species.
I own a pit bull and I haf trubel speling.
I own a pit bull and I told my insurance agent that it is a shar-pei mix.
I own a pit bull and I don't have insurance.
I own a pit bull and I visit my baby's daddy in prison every Sunday.
I own a pit bull and I embrace the second and fourth amendments but not the first.
I own a pit bull and I don't know what the amendments are.
I own a pit bull and I am a dog groomer by day and an on-line canine aggression expert by night.
I own a pit bull and I haven't told my landlord. ssshhhh.
I own a pit bull and I wear rose colored glasses.
I own a pit bull and I am judgment proof.
I own a pit bull and I blame my kiddie porn on my teenage son.
I own a pit bull and I don't own a break stick cuz it's all how you raise 'em.
I own a pit bull and I have a break stick in every room.
I own a pit bull and I leave it chained outside.
I own a pit bull and I spend my free time harassing people who were attacked by pit bulls.
I own a pit bull and I play professional football.
I own a pit bull and I operate a meth lab.
I own a pit bull and I love leprechauns, rainbows and unicorns.
I own a pit bull and I can't keep it contained.
I own a pit bull and I am getting my 37th tattoo tomorrow in honor of this holy day.
I own a pit bull and I pretend to be a vet tech on line.
I own a pit bull and I drink fortified, caffeinated malt liquor.
I own a pit bull and I purchase people's souls.
I own a pit bull and I spend at least 2 hours each day spreading Jane Berkey's disinformation.
I own a pit bull and I have thumbs that are almost opposable.
I own a pit bull and I own fighting cocks, a tank full of piranhas, 3 boa constrictors, 2 tarantulas, a rattlesnake and a scorpion.
I own a pit bull and I don't understand why she keeps killing the neighborhood cats.
I own a pit bull and I love loud obnoxious rap music.
I own a pit bull and I use him to protect my stash.
I own a pit bull and I don't understand the concept of racism.
I own a pit bull and I love it when dem hawgs starta skweelin'!
I own a pit bull and I salute the confederate flag every morning.
I own a pit bull and I receive government assistance.
I own a pit bull and I put him on the tread mill for 3 hours a day while I read the pit forums.
I own a pit bull and I need this powerful animal so that I can feel superior to others.
I own a pit bull and I am really an insecure person deep down inside.
I own a pit bull and I take him and his testicles to the dog park whenever I feel like it.
I own a pit bull and I am completely devoid of critical thinking skills.
I own a pit bull and I don't vote.
I own a pit bull and I would vote if Karen Delise was on the ballot.
I own a pit bull and I have an itty bitty teenie weenie.
I own a pit bull and I wish I had an itty bitty teenie weenie.
I own a pit bull and I got it from my sister who got it from her boyfriend who got it from his uncle when he went to prison.
I own a pit bull and I will say and do whatever I have to, to ensure that I can continue to own a pit bull.
I almost forgot about this wondrous day that's more significant than remembering the victims of slavery, holocaust, WW2, WW1, and other wars that fit the definition of discrimination, racism, and being misunderstood to a T!
I think we really need to do something about this, Craven. A few intelligent minds are better than mass of stupid ones. And can come up with far better tactics.
A perfect blog! Thank you Craven.
I own a pit bull but I can't identify one on the find-a-bull website.
enjoyed this... ! it will be perfect for my announcement on the event.
If the 23rd is National Pit Bull Awareness day the 24th should be National Pit Bull Victims Awareness Day.
I agree with Anon 10:08!
Josh B.
i am working on a "pit bull preparedness day".
contact me if you suggestions. crvndesires@gmail.com
I was not prepared at the time I was attacked by a pit bull.
I am prepared now...Smith & Wesson 38 Special and CCW Permit.
April 29 pretty much beat me to the punch. Our pit bull awareness days are also known as range days, training days, range qualification days.
"For pit bulls, a .38, .357, 9mm or .45 is excellent. For everything else, there's MasterCard."
A pitbullforum.com nutter really did spend her pit bull awareness day getting a tattoo!!!!
Ditto, April29, except my weapon of choice is my Glock 17. While I hope never to be attacked again, if I am, I guaran-damn-tee you it's going to end differently than the last one did.
I LOVE the pic with the retarded pit bull in the tinfoil hat!
And All the "I own a pit bull and..." were hilarious!
I want to add:
I have a pit bull and I named him Diablo so he could be a breed ambassador.
Ironically, they chose National Domestic Violence Month to pimp these foul-bred Maulers....
How many children and elderly parents have been ripped apart by Pit owners and their maulspawn?!?
Another idea for pit bull preparedness
One comes into your neighborhood, get a list of every homeowner's insurance company licensed to insure property in your state. Contact every one with information about the property and ask if they are aware there is a pit bull on the premises.
These pit nutters KNOW these dogs are dangerous, and they purposely don't inform insurance companies and that's insurance fraud
Often landlords don't know they are there too. Landlords especially listen to lawyers informing them of their issue.
Animal control should know to get them licensed.
And if a pit nutter is collecting welfare benefits (ANY benefits! SS, disability, anything) and running a side business breeding pit bulls, report them to the welfare and benefits fraud department in the state and child services, Social Security, whatever. They make money, a dime even, they have to report it.
Same is true of IRS/state tax dept with non benefits recipients
I am a pit bull owner and I am afraid of my dog.
I am a pit bull owner and I leave my pit bull unattended, then blame the victims when they are forced to supervise my wiggle butt.
I am a pit bull owner and I am a moronic hypocrite.
I am a pit bull owner and I am a three strikes your out loser.
I am a pit bull owner and I have yorki blood on my hands.
I am a pit bull owner and I have scheduled a lobotomy.
I am a pit bull owner and I had a lobotomy but it didn't work.
I am a pit bull owner and I am good at math. I am also a psychopath.
I own a pit bull and I enter my dog in dog fights for the betterment of all, and then blog about it on BADRAP
I am a pit bull owner and I am PROUD!!!
I am a pit bull owner and I am a foul mouthed misogynistic adrenaline junkie.
I ama pit bull owner and I am drawn to danger.
scratch said...
I own a pit bull but I can't identify one on the find-a-bull website.
Cant all you sick dog hating low lifes stop playing w.o.w. d and d and go outside? maybe get some son, or a friend, or perhaps even a date?
Dude, I Bagged Ur Pit said...
weapons in real life make loud noises, are you ok with that?
Is this guy for real? Loud noises? We CAN'T go outside, sometimes in our own backyards! Do you not get that??
Freakin' nutters. We have lives, and their are being negatively impacted by nutters and their pit bulls.
"weapons in real life make loud noises, are you ok with that?"
I'm more than okay with it. In fact, I like a 338 Lapua with a JPM muzzle brake and no ear muffs just for the head clearing part of it.
Maybe you could walk back to the 1000 yard mark and hold up a target for me. Let me know if I hit it.
i seriously doubt that he is for real. he has been plastering his "i was bitten by a lab all over the internet" and i think we all know what that means.
in my experience, the most rabid pit bull defenders have the least experience and knowledge of pit bulls. not always but more often than not this is the case. most likely this is johnny with a lazy eye's first pit and it probably hasn't turned yet.
i hope no one feels compelled to engage in a pissing match with him. i personally could care less if thinks i am a dog hater, i never get outside or that i am afraid of loud noises. the element of surprise is a powerful advantage.
let him keep thumping his sanctimonious chest and thinking he is doing god's work protecting the psychopath's spawn. let's just hope he is running wiggle butt's battery down on a treadmill while he works his trolling magic.
i must admit dude, that is great response.
Not that Hassel would notice, but that should have been 'JP' muzzle brake. At least I didn't type JPM uzzle brake. (WTF would an uzzle brake be?)
The poor idiot couldn't have chosen a worse person to question authenticity regarding what goes bang and how loud. In that pissing match, he's the toilet and I’m the marksman.
As far as him wondering if some of us need a date? Weird, because his wife asked me the same thing.
Awesome. Classic pit nutter thinking! They think that because they own pits and we own "lesser curs", they are the only bad asses.
Keep on reinforcing the pit bull owner stereotype John Hassell!
I love pit bulls because they are so misunderstood, just like my husband as a three strikes offender.
John Hassell, maybe they fuck their sons where you come from. In my neck of the woods, that's incest and it's illegal. Go back to the hills, Billy.
"get some son?"
In honor of National Domestic Violence Month let's raise awareness of family members killed by the Pit Bull Community:
Justin Valentin
4 days old/Arlington FL
October 24, 2010
Family dog
John Reynolds
84 years old/Williamsburg MO
October 13, 2010
Son’s Pit breeding business
Mattie Daugherty
86 years old/McMinn County TN
September 3, 2010
Killed by daughter’s Pit bull
Jerry Yates
69 years old/Mountain Ranch CA
August 22, 2010
Viet Nam Veteran killed by tenant’s Pit Bulls
Tracey Payne
46 years old/S. Macon GA
August 19, 2010
Pack of abandoned pit bulls as she cut through the property where the dogs had been kept.
Jason Walter
7 years old/La Salle IL
August 2, 2010
Mother’s boyfriends Pit Bulls
Jacob Brisbee
2 years old/Concord CA
July 22, 2010
Grandfather’s breeding business
William Parker
71 years old/Memphis TN
July 20, 2010
Convicted sex offender’s pit bulls left with 19 year old girlfriend by police
Michael Winters
30 years old/Lorain County OH
June 15, 2010
Killed by Pit bulls and mixed breed dogs at “rescue operation”
Savannah Gregg
9 years old/ Kokomo IN
June 3, 2010
Family pit bull
Nathan Aguirre
2 years old/San Bernardino CA
May 27, 2010
Family pit bull
Thomas James Carter Jr.
7 days old/Port Richey FL
April 14, 2010
Family pit bull
Jane Doe
5 days old/Conyers GA
February 23, 2010
Family pit bull
Ethel Horton
65 years old/Lucknow SC
March 4, 2010
Died of heart attack while being mauled by Nephew’s Pit Bull
Christine Staab
37 years old/Philadelphia PA
February 20, 2010
Mother’s breeding operation
Anastasia Bingham
5 years old/Terry MS
February 12, 2010
Neighbor’s breeding/dog fighting operation
Johnny Wilson
56 years old/Chicago IL
January 17, 2010
Daughter’s breeding business
Omar Martinez
3 years old/Apple Valley CA
January 9, 2010
Family Pit Bull
Every time these nutters open their mouths, they reinforce a stereotype. This is Awesome. Read between the lines and you find classic pit nutter thinking! They think that because they own pits and we own "lesser curs", only they are the bad asses. Keep on reinforcing the pit bull owner stereotype John Hassell!
This is absolutely one of your finest blog posts. IMO, it cannot be improved upon. Hilarious and so, so true.
why thank you miss margo. i had a lot of fun doing this post.
i have another fun one you might like.
joe woodall infomercial
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