02.24.11 UK Billy was attacked by a nanny dog during an evening walk with Steve Ireland and his 11 yr old son Callum. the pit nutter lifted his mutant in the air along with Billy, still firmly secured in his jaws.
02.25.11 evansville, indiana stray dogs, particularly shit bulls are a problem in evansville. they have been attacking dogs and four shit bulls attacked a woman friday morning. people were too afraid to get out of their cars but tried blowing their horns to scare them off. the police arrived quickly but they were still attacking her. they shot two of them and the other two are still on the loose. on wednesday, stray pits attacked Dave Goodwin's pit bull. he beat them with a shovel and called 911. he was told to catch them and they will come out and get them. he rightly told them, "that's not my job". he will be taking matters into his own well armed hands.
rip Snack Sized Dog
02.25.11 riverside county, california two mutants encountered two chihuahua mixes, killed one and injured the other and their owner. the pit nutters fled.
02.25.11 central point, oregon TIMOTHY ALLEN HEDGES' 2 gripping dogs (bull terrier/ambull mixes) got in a scuffle and his 9 yr old son stepped in to stop it. he was partially scalped. HEDGES plans to reclaim the 8 month old litter mates after quarantine and find separate good homes for them. cuz they "are not violent" and have "never attacked anyone before". HEDGES is looking for mature owners without children and hopefully neighbors without dogs. why this loser is not being charged or investigated by child protective services is a head scratcher.
oops, almost forgot the best part. HEDGES is a registered sex offender.
02.25.11 corpus christi, texas two shit bulls killed a cat. HALEY CYR of cc animal control is blaming the fatality on neglect. she said these dogs haven't been fed. nice shiny coat and by game-dogger standards - FAT. watch the video.
02.25.11 cleveland, tennessee JAMES CRONAN'S frankenmauler attacked the neighbor's horse so severely, it had to be euthanized. the shit bull is under quarantine for 10 days and then will be dirt napping. CRONAN gave his consent to kill it and stated that he was "amazed" at the damage to the horse. the idiot who owns the horse is also a pit nutter. JOHN BIVENS is not angry with CRONAN and they remain friends. CRONAN has had the mutant for 3 years around kids and dogs without incident. CRONAN was cited for dog at large and rabies violation. what a surprise! rip Shelby
02.26.11 stanton, california a neighbor's shit bull escaped from its yard and invaded another fenced in yard where it assassinated a shih-tzu and mauled a cocker spaniel. orange county deputies tased the mutant and took it into custody. they also seized the other pit bulls from the pit nutters home.
02.28.11 tulsa, oklahoma this 3 month old stray was attacked by a pit bull.
02.28.11 flint, michigan Cheryl Rivette's pomeranian was attacked by a stray dog in her yard. she doesn't have the money for vet care. neighbors say there is a serious stray dog problem and many of them are pit bull and pit mixes. donations can be made to Peter Babich, DVM 810-732-0000
rip Paddywak, Lucy was not injured
02.28.11 australia a real bona fide therapy dog was killed by a nanny dog. John Bower was also injured trying to save Paddy who logged 6 years visiting sick children in the hospital.
03.01 011 pensacola, florida REGINA LAKE was so excited. the 10 day quarantine was up and she could finally bring her recently declared dangerous shit bull home after biting another dog. REGINA opened the door to the kennel and as she tried to muzzle mutato, it pushed past the person it would die for and attacked a shelter worker. the shelter staff tranquilized the mutant and rushed their employee to the hospital. REGINA LAKE signed the mutant over for a dirt nap.
the shelter manager said this was a "freak occurrence".
i would like to know why people like REGINA LAKE with a history of failing to pay a simple $83 traffic ticket, vehicle forfeiture, and domestic violence are allowed a second chance with a vicious dog.
03.02.11 germantown, maryland pit mix attacked a mini pin while on a walk with its owner. the mutant ran off with Rocky and caused injuries so severe, he was euthanized. rip Rocky, rot shit bull.
03.01.11 vacaville, california an off duty officer and his wife took their 3 dogs for a walk. the shit bull belonging to these idiots ran out into the street and attacked the rottweiler. the officer shot the hideous mutant and now this family of pit nutters is crying foul. they claim the cop used "excessive force" and put the neighborhood at risk just because their wiggle butt wanted to say "hi". LETICIA is "outraged" by the death of her mutant, especially in light of the fact that the shit bull didn't draw blood on rottweiler. apparently if the rott received stitches, staples and drain tubes or the little dog was eviscerated, well, then the death would be justified in LETICIA'S warped world. SIERRA is in counseling now. boo hoo. i have zero, zilch, zippo, nada sympathy for these fucktards.
the moral of this story: never leave a child in control of a dog that few adults can safely control!
oh, speak of the devil...
rip Oreo
03.01.11 ankeny, iowa two hideous mutants broke free from an ADULT woman and grabbed Oreo and began "tearing him apart like a stuffed animal". neighbors came to Jenna Holt's and Oreo's defense. they beat the shit bulls in the head with a hammer, nada, zilch, zippo, zero affect on the frankenmaulers. police responded and shot one, the other ugly dog got a HUMANE death. meanwhile Jenna is devastated and can't be in her apartment. meet the trashy nutter:
31 yr old KRISTIN CARTER BRAY claims she was watching the hideous mutants for a friend who is in the slammer. the CESAR MILAN groupie was cited for a measly 2 counts of dog at large. the death of Oreo means nothing.
03.01.11 UK Malcolm Turner and his wife fought off two nanny dogs with their bare hands while the pit nutter had a panic attack. the pit nutter said that the sight of her never been aggressive before only lick you to death score higher than poodles people pleasing wiggle butts left her shocked and frightened. she has agreed to pay the vet bill and give them dirt naps. "My dogs are very laid back. I have never seen them display aggression, but their behaviour at that time was very distressing and opened my eyes."
03.03.11 quail canyon, california a frankenmauler attacked a horse after first sniffing it, then biting the rider.
Molly and Sam, mayhem is exhausting!
03.03.11 san francisco, california the two "never once harmed anyone" mutants were killed by police as they mauled a cat. a police sergeant saw two loose shit bulls while on patrol. “The dogs had parts of the cat in each of their mouths, pulling it apart.” one of the shit bulls needed two shotgun blasts. of course little miss nutter HOLLY is devastated and "broken inside". HOLLY claims her wiggle butts are friendly and playful. and the area residents (obviously not the cat owner) said the cop's actions were rash and he needs better training. i vote for a bonus and put him in charge of training the rest of the department on proper pit bull handling.
03.03.11 des moines, iowa Linda Cole went to get her border collie/heeler mix for their morning walk and found it dead INSIDE the kennel with the 2 shit bulls standing over it. smart enough to get inside the kennel, but too stupid to get out. i think they needed some furry live moving barking bait as an incentive to get out. the mutants were still in there when the cops arrived. the shit bulls charged at the officers and turned to mauling the dead dog in frustration.
03.03.11 lake charles, louisiana a pregnant pit bull described by RENEE SMITH as "neglected and left unattended" during the birth of her pups, killed and dismembered all but one, but not for lack of trying. the one surviving pup's spinal cord was severed. QUESTION: did you report those neglectful fucktards to the authorities RENEE? or did you maybe embellish the story a smidgeon to drum up sympathy for wiggle butts?
03.04.11 hall county, georgia DANIEL TURNER'S shit bull mauled a chihuahua so severely, it had to be euthanized. also during the attack, the chihuahua's owner was knocked down and injured. she was taken to the hospital. TURNER attempted to help save the little dog, unlike the majority of nutters who are too afraid (or entertained). TURNER was cited and signed over the frankenmauler.
rip Coco
california on january 30, LAUREN BOARDMAN'S shit bull RONA killed this little dog. BOARDMAN fled to arizona with the shit bull. contra costa originally said that BOARDMAN would be charged with evidence tampering when found. and now the BOARDMANS say they will accept the "potentially" dangerous dog declaration in absentia. they have 3 years to prove that that RONA is not dangerous and the designation will be removed. how fucking nice. meanwhile the humans and canines in Coco's family are traumatized. i don't care who this offends: i hope RONA scalps or amputates LAUREN in her sleep. shit for all i care, RONA could completely relieve society of the burden that is LAUREN BOARDMAN.
see also 02.11.11 frankenmauler roundup
west ashley, south carolina 21 yr old pit nutter PAIGE ASHLEY BIRD has requested a jury trial in the case against her frankenmauler's attack on 4 dogs. if she insists on dragging this out and costing society EVEN more money, we might get lucky and score a photo.
the attacks the media NEVER reports
springs, colorado MARTINEZ was walking her bull mastiff mix when it escaped from her and attacked a greyhound being walked on leash by its owner. the greyhound owner hit and kicked the black mutt and when he couldn't stop the attack, he shot and killed it. MARTINEZ tells an interesting version of the events. she claims the greyhound was on a retractable leash and was allowed to run towards her dog. she said of course, her dog responded by running towards the greyhound. she fell down and lost control of the leash. she said by the time she CROSSED THE STREET to regain control of FLATO, he was dead. MARTINEZ is upset that the victim didn't allow her time to pry her dog off of the greyhound. obviously, if she doesn't the strength to remain upright, she doesn't stand a chance of disengaging her dog's jaws.
the greyhound received 5 staples in his neck. the victim will not be charged by police, although the nutter infected humane society is considering cruelty charges (request a jury trial) and MARTINEZ was cited "unlawful ownership of a dangerous dog". along comes SHAWNA PUGMIRE, rescue angel and former "dog trainer" who swears on a stack of bibles that FLATO is not dangerous and she lets her 6 yr old play with it. PUGMIRE insists that if MARTINEZ was given a few seconds, she would have gained control over her beast. i can see why her dog training services are no longer desired.
odessa, texas a shit bull was shot and killed during a drug raid. two more shit bulls were seized.
monroe, connecticut CAROLYN BACARELLA let her pit/lab out side and when he returned, he had been shot. it died. so here's my question. why didn't she hear that shot? was she drunk and passed out? or did ROSCOE stray away from the home? why can't you people control your dogs?
minden, nevada last december, a drunken 34 yr old JOHN CHAN PERRY was sitting on his sofa with his room mate's shit bull in his lap when it bit him in the face. he shot it. he was charged and pled guilty to cruelty to animals and drunken idiot with a gun.
indy police shot 3 shit bulls in 2 days.
new york city cops shot a pit bull during a domestic dispute call.
altoona, pennsylvania a 10 yr old boy knocked on the door of 723 N 5th Ave to play with his friend. 29 yr old TIFFANY M ELLIS' pit bull ran downstairs and jumped through the glass door and attacked him. according to the altoona mirror, the boy's bicep muscle was completely destroyed from the unique grab, hold and shake bite style of the gripping dog. ELLIS pried the mutant off.
"I'm sorry to the family. I'm sorry. I feel bad about the dogs and the family. You can't replace neither one of them." JAMES CASEY SWANSON
yep, you read that correctly, that is not a typo. i copied and pasted it directly from the news source and i heard it with my own ears in the news clip. that is SWANSON lamenting the death of his dogs in the same breath as the murder of Ronnie Waldo.
30 yr old JAMES CASEY SWANSON has been charged with manslaughter for the fatal mauling of his friend, neighbor and tenant Ronnie Waldo. the grand jury indicted this bad boy as a habitual offender. SWANSON has two separate burglary convictions and was currently on probation. he is sitting in county jail because allowing violent pit bulls to run loose violated his probation.
carol, this bad boy looks like he needs a friend.
"The two animals got into a scuffle. Police say the owner of the other dog was trying to kick the bull mastiff off, and when that didn't work he pulled out a handgun and fired."
According to you, the breed isn't mentioned. It's mentioned twice.
"sentenced 34-year-old John Chan Peery to a 60-day suspended sentence and placed him on probation for two years.
Peery also was ordered to pay $500 for his court-appointed lawyer, and barred from consuming alcohol or controlled substances and possessing firearms."
Next time you haters shoot a shit bull, just remember that you'll never own a gun or drink again.
Craven, pellet guns are quiet and more often than not, a person can't hear it when inside a home. It has nothing to do with,
"was she drunk and passed out? or did ROSCOE stray away from the home"
"The report does not explain the circumstance in which the dogs attacked Streeval."
After reading THIS article, it seems like "charging dogs" means aggressive, bloodthirsty monsters that need to be killed with no questions asked.
"They found the apartment door open and the 4-year-old red-nosed pitbull, Loc, barking in the hallway."
In this one, the dog didn't even start "charging aggressively" this time they just shot a barking dog.
But hey, I guess when you have a gun and a badge....you got the bigger dick.
Evansville--Craven, you forgot to type in when Goodwin stated, "Goodwin says its not just pit bulls causing the problems. He says he has encountered several different breeds of stray dogs that are just as vicious."
THis isn't a Pit Bull problem at all.....It's an AC and dog owner laws that need to be more strict.
And the little 3 month old puppy that was rescued......it's a he said she said my best friends sisters boyfriend heard from this guy that a pit bull was attacking it. No proof.
"Next time you haters shoot a shit bull, just remember that you'll never own a gun or drink again."
DEAD WRONG, anon. In my state, it's perfectly legal to shoot a dog in self-defense. All you have to do is say you felt threatened by it. Nice try, though.
If you don't want people shooting shit bulls, lobby for BSL that will keep them adequately confined and control their breeding, and put pressure on the breeders to stop breeding human and animal aggressive animals.
"Peery contends the dog had been sitting in his lap and he shot it after the animal bit his lip."
Sounds like he felt threatened to me, and he still got charged.
Nice try though.
I won't lobby for BSL. I'll just stay away from wacko's like you.
"Next time you haters shoot a shit bull, just remember that you'll never own a gun or drink again."
Wrong dope. My 'Dude, I Bagged Ur Pit,' didn't become mine without some real life experience. Not only did I NOT lose a gun, I got MORE GUNS - guns better suited for bagging pit bulls. (A couple of high capacity, semi auto tactical weapons – types of guns I previously had no interest in.)
Our law enforcement loves it when we handle pit bulls. It relieves them of having to respond to yet another 911 pit bull call, saves them the trouble of sending a supervisor for a shooting report by their personnel, and nobody has to append a case number for a unit inventory report, "re: ammo."
A good first step for our County would be to at least require pit bulls be micro chipped so the owners of the pit(s) that “never got out and never did that before” can be located after the shooting. It's not fair that we have to lay out money to improve our weapons cache and not even be reimbursed for bullets and shotgun pellets sent into their shit bulls.
If they're not going to outlaw shit bulls like some communities around us have, the County should at least tax shit bull owners so they can reimburse everybody else for their gun and ammo expenses.
Which reminds me… I’m way overdue to drop off a case of beer to the neighbor for shooting the last one. I guess they didn’t lose their gun or ability to drink, eh?
"Craven, pellet guns are quiet and more often than not, a person can't hear it when inside a home. It has nothing to do with,
"was she drunk and passed out? or did ROSCOE stray away from the home" "
Did they say it was a pellet from a pellet gun? My shotguns fire pellets. Shot gun homicide reports have attachments displaying "PELLET" locations from x-rays.
To get through dog hide and into a lung with an air rifle, you would need one of the air rifles that fires a super sonic (over 1150 fps) pellet fired near point blank range. (Results would have an extremely slow onset and distress might not be observed for hours or even days.) These super sonic air rifles are anything but quiet and have a report on par with rim-fire rigs.
Pit nutters make me laugh. No other group opens their mouths to switch feet with such frequency and agility.
regarding bullmastiff story, that link has been updated since i saw it. it now has the name of the woman and her bull mastiff plus video. i will certainly update and include a photo of the woman lying. thanks.
regarding goodwin, i only was interested in his most recent (concrete) dog encounter, the dog that he hit with a shovel. that was a pit. i am not interested in his life story and views on breed viciousness (i know what that is when he says he owns a pit bull). and i am not interested in reproducing the entire story. the link is included, knock yourself out. but you do realize that he has been programmed to say that right?
regarding pellet guns, i know nothing about them. can they actually KILL a dog? the dog died, i assumed it was a gun. but hey feel free to cloud the issue.
regarding shooting shit bulls and losing your gun and drinking rights, that could be true in some states. in some states/cities, you can't legally carry a gun.
regarding the shooting of "non-threatening" Loc, i guess these pit nutters never lie about their dogs' behavior. i TEND to give more credence to police, especially when they are dealing with felons or in a domestic call. dogs get agitated when their pack is agitated. the nutters are probably so agitated they're not even aware of their dog's mental states. just look at how many of your chosen breed interject themselves in family arguments. seems like once a month, they send arguing family members to the hospital.
regarding the 3 month old puppy, that's true, it's a he said she said. i am sure that 3 month old puppy provoked wiggle butt.
This attack was on Yahoo's front page today: http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2011/03/04/cable_guy_boy_rescue_ny_baby_in_pit_bull_attack/
If the boy and the cable guy hadn't been around,Jordan Bonelli would've been another fatality.
Why pit nutters seem to think that people should allow themselves/their pets to be attacked and frown upon shooting the offending pit is beyond me. Do they not realize how utterly insane and callous they sound? If my dogs ever mauled anyone I would totally condone the use of physical force against them (and I certainly wouldn't be standing around watching with a dumb look on my face either).
- Anonymouse
Tia Torres, Discovery Network, Animal Planet, and Best Friends say it's ok for all these pets to die
because pit bulls (and the money to be made from exploiting pit bulls) is more important
craven did you see this one?
Another babysitter's pit bull attacked the child. Luckily the Cable Guy saved their lives
And Tia could care less about the victims. Still running a pit bull zoo and exploiting pit bulls for $$$$$ and telling people that pits are ok with kids. These babysitters and mommies and teenagers listen, and a kid gets killed or attacked
""Next time you haters shoot a shit bull, just remember that you'll never own a gun or drink again."
VERY dead wrong, pit nutter babykiller!
Hunters can shoot dogs at any time if they feel that the dogs are even chasing wildlife, never mind menacing.
Farmers can as well, or people who own any livestock.
And EVERYONE can shoot a pit bull in self-defense!
In many areas, loose pit bulls can be legally shot as nuisances.
So keep your pit bull locked away, because if it causes any troubles, pit nutter, YOU will be in jail and lose everything.
i included the new york cable guy police shooting in last week's roundup.
Wanna bet Mr Perry is also a felon?
Such profanity.
Anon 2:49,
You're likely a pit nutter whose pit and views are a deeper profanity than any word which humans have deemed obscene. You do know that the word "shit" is only a dirty word because of human convention, right? So, now you play sanctimonious on us. I'm sure you're just a little blue headed church lady with a 120 lbs pit bull/mastiff mix.
Swanson does not need a friend, he needs a soul.
Something for you haters to contemplate.
My dog would give her life for me. I'll give mine for her. Are you willing to put your life on the line for your beliefs? You shoot my dog in front of and me one of us will have something in common with the dog. That is a promise.
fans of tia offended by my language that's a hoot. i admit sometimes it is worse than others, like when a goon squad threatens a widow. this week, my rage spilled over into the roundup big time.
the reference to "carol" was carol crowe leonard, a prisoner groupie. she wrote the om times article about tia and she runs some kind of shrine to prisoners and on another site claims to expose liars.
yeah, i know, my coffee came out of my nose on that one.
Nutter said...
Something for you haters to contemplate.
My dog would give her life for me. I'll give mine for her. Are you willing to put your life on the line for your beliefs? You shoot my dog in front of and me one of us will have something in common with the dog. That is a promise.
you do realize that no one here is advocating shooting a non threatening dog that is under the control of its owner, right?
Nutter is willing to kill and go to jail for life because someone kills his dog. And you wonder why we think you have poor decision making skills. This is actually a fear of mine. Let's say a nutter's pit bull starts to maul my dog and we are both there. We can't quickly separate the dogs and mine is being killed for no reason. Believe me, I will reach into my pocket and pull out a lockback knife and kill the pit bull. I'm just worried about what the pit nutter will be doing, probably trying to stop me. I hate you fucking pit nutters. Go to hell. I'm contemplating concealed pistol carry just for this reason, dealing with the dog quickly and scaring the shit out of the attached nutter so he backs off.
Also, nutter is willing to die for his dog? I love my dog to death. I do. I love him as much as I believe it is healthy to love something that is not a human. But I won't die for him. That is sick thinking. I'll save another human and let him die if I have to, as much as I would regret it and hate myself and be traumatized. It's called not being a fucking emotional infant. The day my dog was attacked by a pit while I was there, if my nephew would have been with me. I would've been forced to pick him up and allow my dog to be killed. He wasn't so, you know what I did? I curb stomped, choked the pit bull by his collar, and punched him in his eye sockets. Too bad it wasn't your dog, nutter. I was right out of work so wasn't armed. It felt great to hear that pit whimper.
@anon 5:09 -
Glad you were able to save your dog. I don't fault any pit bull owner for loving their dog, heck I love my own dog as if she were my adopted daughter. I would never sacrifice her to a pit bull to save my own skin.
If my little dog is attacked while we're out, I'll do anything I can to stop the attack, but like you said, you also have to worry about fucktard pit owners like the one above who threatens to kill anyone who dares defend themselves against his violent attacking mutant.
I've heard that kind of threat from pit nutters before, basically, "You better let my pit bull kill or maul whoever it wants and if you try to stop it I'll (insert some violent act here) you."
OK thanks for the warning!
I stand on neutral grounds with everything, but why hasnt hasnt my 10 year old attacked anyone? also why hasnt my 4 year old? I'm just wondering.
Anon 6:10 PM, why have so many others? Do you not understand what the words "unpredictable explosive aggression" mean in regard to animal behavior? Clearly not. A better question you should be asking yourself is why haven't they yet? There's always tomorrow.
As for pit nutter claiming he will kill a human to protect his dog? You're the very definition of a sociopath. I adore my dogs. I would never kill a human being over my dogs, particularly if my dogs were attacking them, and they were trying to defend themselves.
That said, if I'm having to shoot a pit in self defense and you want to come threaten my life over it? Enjoy the trip in the body bag. Killing human beings in self defense is as legal as shooting dogs in self defense in my state.
As for the referenced article, don't you nutters like to say, "We didn't get the whole story?" That drunk dude getting bitten by the pit and shooting it later only to be charged with animal cruelty sounds like we didn't get the whole story for damned sure. Either that or their laws and their law enforcement officials are seriously messed up in regard to priorities in that town.
>>> I stand on neutral grounds with everything, but why hasnt hasnt my 10 year old attacked anyone? also why hasnt my 4 year old? I'm just wondering.
Like my 78 year old grandpa used to say, "I've smoked for 64 years. If smoking is so dangerous, how come I'm not dead?"
Does this mean smoking is safe? Safe for him? Safe for everybody?
I don't want to work in an office and share risk with smokers when I don’t smoke. I don’t want to share the highway with drunk drivers. I also don’t want pit bulls in my neighborhood. I don’t deserve a bad outcome because someone else wants to take unnecessary risk that extends beyond them.
Like many things, past performance does not guarantee future success. My grandmother, 10 years younger than him, was diagnosed with lung cancer and passed away soon after his expressions of bravado. Pit bull owners also have a history of denying risk until someone else has paid the price.
Yep trommrow is always a new day,
point is however I raised my 2 boys into a great loving family pet, I understand the risk I take if he were to bite anyone, but at the same time I trust him with my life, and I know he would not want to disapoint me, you can call me a nutter if you like.... but just remember, and at the same time I am not going to preach or use fowl words, but just remember my 2 boys will be 2 pits that you will never hear about on the media.
hmmmmm interesting
"You shoot my dog in front of and me one of us will have something in common with the dog. That is a promise."
And there you have it. Yet another one of Tia's pit advocate psychopaths threatening murder. (187 pc for those in the Tehachapi area)
You’ve been warned. If this anonymous psychopath’s dog attacks you, mauls your children, enters your property to kill your pet(s), and you or a family member defends against this attack, this pit bull owner has promised to commit murder.
Anon 7:17, most of the stories of pit attacks you hear about aren't from neglected or abused pit bulls. They're family pets who were treated well and given every benefit of the doubt only to have one bad day, one bad moment, that turned out to be life changing or life ending.
You say you understand the risk you take if they were to bite anyone. How about the risk others take who have no interest in being around your dogs, are minding their business, going about their own lives, and your dogs get out and have one bad moment in one bad day? It's that selfishness I can't stand, and it's that very selfish attitude that made me a victim of a pit attack.
Do you have hundreds of thousands of dollars in liability insurance to cover the medical bills when your pit has a bad day? You're not the one who'll have to live with disability or disfigurement if this dog you trust with your life attacks someone ELSE.
"My pits would never hurt a fly." Famous words out of the mouths of practically every pit owner whose dogs go on to do far worse than that, but all of you ALWAYS think it won't happen with your dogs. Until it does.
Felons can't carry, which means they can't buy a gun legally, nor take time as many of us do at the shooting range.
I would suspect a pitter with a gun might not be as quick on the draw as a person with their ccl, due to the fact they are not as well practiced and, if they own a gun, it's a big lunky cheap shotgun that they shoot in the air at New Years.
(this observation is based on a real life pit owner in my neighborhood.)
Please post more pictures of dead mangled children. I would prefer minorities but white trailer trash will do. I need wanking material. Thank you in advance.
I would love to see people post videos on youtube rather then just write on a message board, remember pitbull lovers the fowl wording and threating acts and dumb comments make you and the fellow pitbulls owners like myself look a asshole.
Glad to see the Mankilling Pit Breeder from MS face manslaughter charges....If they had only charged Colby properly back in 1909 we might not be in this mess!
I read most of these and then I started looking at links. You're distorting the story's from the original.
The story from Evansville In. There is nothing in that story where Dave is going to take things into his well armed hands unless by well armed you mean a shovel.
The next story from Riverside County NC. You've written in this blog that the pit nutters fled. There wasn't one single word in the story about any people being with the dogs.
I read only 2 links, out of the first 3 that I came to, and found distortions in your blog entries as compared to your links.
I've quit paying any attention to what you have to say. Your readers actually need to follow up on your links.
Makes me believe this may be a standard practice for this blog. Not much creditability when amateurish mistakes, or are they, such as these are made.
“If it chooses to attack, it’s the most ferocious of all dogs,” said Mark Paulhus, a leading national authority on Pit Bulls.
“I’ve never known a Pit Bull that could be called off (during a fight). They lose themselves in the fight” Said Paulhus, Southeast regional Coordinator for the Humane Society of the United States.
Anon 7:17 wrote...
"Yep trommrow is always a new day,
point is however I raised my 2 boys into a great loving family pet, I understand the risk I take if he were to bite anyone, but at the same time I trust him with my life, and I know he would not want to disapoint me, you can call me a nutter if you like.... but just remember, and at the same time I am not going to preach or use fowl words, but just remember my 2 boys will be 2 pits that you will never hear about on the media."
You would trust a dog, an animal significantly less intelligent than a pig, with your life. And you also know he would not want to disappoint you.
Do you realize that your ravings are from a person who has lost track of the divide between human animals and non-human animals? Your statements should be tattooed on your face so that others can see you coming and move aside. If you are like most nutters, you're probably saving up for this very same procedure.
You are one of legion who are aggressively stupid. Please take on a high risk job that requires split second thinking.
Here is an attack that doesn't come up in a googl;e search....many local attacks don't come up unless you type in the location...
Note that all the nutters are blaming the victim in the comments section...
I would just like to add that an internet search for media reports of pit bull attacks, will give only a very small fraction of what is actually happening. Many of us can confirm that the majority of attacks don't make it into the media....especially attacks on animals. I can confirm that in my own town...multiple incidents that did not make the paper, or were only referenced by a small one line in the police blotter..."Call for dog bite on Smith Street." Even an unprovoked attack at our town common on a Sunday afternoon, where a man was bitten in the hand, requiring an ambulance call.....never made the paper or the local news.
Secondly, local news stories of attacks and mauling don't get enough hits to bring them to the top of a search engine like Google, so even though stories may exist on-line, they are not searchable unless you know the specific location. The idea that pit attacks are over resported by the media is an urban myth....they are UNDERREPORTED. The problems with dangerous pit bulls are so much larger than is being reported...it is tryly frightening.
Z06, watch the video!
@ 1:43
"they've attacked my dog and run me in the house. i'm tired of it. if they can't do something about, i got a gun and i can." david goodwin
you really must start scratching the surface in life.
as for the north carolina story, there was mistake in there. it is california! i don't know what i was thinking when i typed in north carolina. i wonder if i accidentally combined to 2 attack stories.
again, watch the fucking video! you would know that the victim also owns a pit bull. he says the nutters drove by and picked up their dogs at 1:00. at the end the newscaster said the authorities are still looking for the owners to press charges.
or better yet, just stop reading this blog. your life will be so much easier with nothing to conflict with your rose colored glasses.
@DubV -
I would give the guy with the 4 year old and 10 year old pits the benefit of the doubt. He doesn't come across as a raving fool to me, but as someone who is fortunate to have 2 pit bulls which are not typical of the breed. It happens sometimes.
I understand what it is to love and trust a dog, so I wouldn't give him grief for that.
I hope for his sake that his two boys remain well behaved. It would be very sad if the pits ended up mauling someone who trusted them, but it would not be the first time something like that happened.
March 4, 2011 11:14 PM
Moron ‘Z06’ said...
"The story from Evansville In. There is nothing in that story where Dave is going to take things into his well armed hands unless by well armed you mean a shovel."
Then Tia’s pitiot advocate Z(zero brains)06 goes on to say, "I read only 2 links, out of the first 3 that I came to, and found distortions in your blog entries as compared to your links.
I've quit paying any attention to what you have to say. Your readers actually need to follow up on your links."
In-fucking-credible! Here’s a direct quote from the article this douche bag says he read – followed up on – and others should follow up on:
"They've attacked my dog...run me in the house. I'm tired of it. If they can't do something about it I GOT A GUN IN THE CLOSET AND I CAN," said David Goodwin.” And here’s the link – straight from the blog post: http://tristatehomepage.com/fulltext?nxd_id=249716
Does that say he has a shovel in the closet fucktard?
How clear is that? What the fuck is wrong with you PITIOT?!!!
So here it is again – not that anybody needed more proof: Pit bull advocates are typically a massive mix of STUPID, DISHONEST and DELUSIONAL. We get it!
Damn craven, I think you're a little faster on the keys so my post is redundant. On the other hand, I got to vent on a bottom feeding fucktard about their over-the-top stupidity.
redundancy is good. you never know, it might finally sink into these lunk heads.
al, you might want to check out the fucking idiot that left a comment on justice the mule last night. it's a doozy.
The poster about the mule wants to know who you are so they can threaten you, or worse. Of course, they're anonymous, but no question they are Tia's shit birds. I hope the good people of Tehachapi man up and launch these pit whores off the mountain.
These sick, pit owning bastards wouldn't have a fucking thing to say if that mule was dragged to the ground, tortured and killed by the pit bull. They have nothing but excuses when a pit bull shreds and murders a puppy on a little girl's leash, (they masturbate to news like that,) but because the mule fought back and won, they're heads are about to fucking explode. Good - about time the shoe was on the other foot.
Speaking of a nutter who would SHOOT A HUMAN BEING IF YOU TOOK HIS PIT BULL.
I introduce, the idiotic Rob C.
IF THERE ARE ANY PIT BULL ATTACKS, (especially ones not found easily on google) PLEASE COMMENT ON THIS BLOG.
To the Tough Guy - Pit Owning Moron threatening to murder someone...
If I had a dollar for every cowardly little piece of shit pit bull owner that could post a threat on the internet, I'd be on the fucking cover of Forbes. But in the real world, there's is no question I would give you pit owning shit bags a lesson in reality. If your fucktard shit bull fucks up and attacks me or mine, or for that matter, looks sideways at my neighbor's cat while loafing on my porch, I will cut your fucking pit bull's head off, shit down its throat, and you will hand me the fucking toilet paper when I'm done. Capiche shit bags?
"They've attacked my dog...run me in the house. I'm tired of it. If they can't do something about it I GOT A GUN IN THE CLOSET AND I CAN," said David Goodwin"
These problems need to be dealt with BEFORE the attacks, before the maulings, before the killings.
ZERO TOLERANCE for loose pit bulls. A loose pit bull is a mauling waiting to happen. Do not delay. Don't "be nice" because being nice just gets you or your neighbor's kid or pet mauled, and pit nutters threatening your life for reporting it, and blaming you.
Do NOT be a victim!
However, guns are not the only solution.
There are many ways to deal with canine rats, but the infestation must be treated early for best efficacy.
"Speaking of a nutter who would SHOOT A HUMAN BEING IF YOU TOOK HIS PIT BULL."
that's what is puzzling. i never advocated taking people's shit bulls away or randomly shooting/poisoning/stabbing CONTAINED and CONTROLLED pit bulls. i advocate using lethal force against any and all threats -human and canine. IF your gripping dog is NOT an active threat, we are NOT active threats. i don't believe that anyone should have to wait until a pit bull bites to use lethal force.
I was attacked by husky, over 85 stiches in my shoulder and a broken finger, I also hate pits, however theres other mean dogs out there.
@anon 11:33 -
Sorry to hear about the attack, that sucks. Any big dog can be dangerous, but, and I know this doesn't help you, based on reported and verified attack statitstics, a pit bull is much more likely to seriously maim or kill someone than a husky is.
I'm planning to do a blog entry on the differences between pit bulls and normal dogs, and I expect it to generate some controversy.
If any could be dangerous, that means all are dangerous, which means many of yourselves on here have a double standard.
"If any could be dangerous, that means all are dangerous, which means many of yourselves on here have a double standard."
Not quite. There is risk, then there is unreasonable risk.
Al Swearengen said--If I had a dollar for every cowardly little piece of shit pit bull... But in the real world, there's is no question I would give you pit owning shit bags a lesson in reality. If your fucktard shit bull fucks up and attacks me or mine, or for that matter, looks sideways at my neighbor's cat while loafing on my porch, I will cut your fucking pit bull's head off, shit down its throat, and you will hand me the fucking toilet paper when I'm done. Capiche shit bags?
Wow, what a big man you are. Big tough words while sitting in your computer chair. LOL
Make up your mind, either there cowardly or there attacking and killing stuff,
dear keyboard tough guy please make up your mind, and let us know
much love
The guy fucking your mom.
To Anon 4:06,
Do you use that same last one liner on your brother when you are mad at him?
But I digress, Al was calling pit bull owners cowardly, if you read his post that is quoted. It is entirely possible to be violent and a coward simultaneously. Violent cowards just use a dog to be violent with or pick easy targets. Also, for fuck sake google the use of: they're, their, and there. They usually teach you that in the 1st or 2nd grade.
Running up to and then biting another dog = Hi?
Wow! Pit nutters are so delusional.
Last week there was another Rott owner pumping lead into an off property misunderstood wigglebutt...
You know it's getting bad when Rott owners are packing heat to protect their dogs from the Pitties!
LOL anon 12:53!!!
"Make up your mind, either there cowardly or there attacking and killing stuff,"
Fucking moron. Pit bulls attacking and killing children and small animals is about as brave as Taliban attacking and stoning women. I'm not surprised the idiot pit bull owners don't know the difference between cowardly and brave. They all need JDAMs flown up their asses so Allah can explain it.
“I will cut your fucking pit bull's head off, shit down its throat, and you will hand me the fucking toilet paper when I'm done.”
Mwaaahahaha! GET SOME!!! Too much work but I like your style. I’ll bring the music for that! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9XRa_Q9WhM
>>>>>“I will cut your fucking pit bull's head off, shit down its throat, and you will hand me the fucking toilet paper when I'm done.”
Goddamn you fucking homos are funny. I'll be laughing my ass off as you prepare a dirt nap for my pup by digging the hole with a shovel up your ass. Happy digging homo.
Since you feel the worst thing you can call a person is a "homo" I assume you are a 13 year old boy who is unsure of his sexuality.
Either way you end up, you won't get dates.
Snack, I think there is another possible explanation: AB. Don't the Nazi/Aryan/KKK clowns have issues with homosexuality as well?
Nope, I'm with SSD on this one. The anal reference is a dead giveaway.
Again, nutters prove the generalizations made about them.
A dog breed developed by 19th century sadists and loved currently by the aggressive and naive.
I don't approve of your remarks related to race. If you actually do not like pit bulls, then you are not helping the case put forth by this blog by making those comments. If you are simply trolling or an agent provocateur, then you should find another blogger and group of people to bother.
anon 1220 : stay nice and reasonable and believe you,re doing some good. im just as serious as you are but i dont have your faith in making a difference. you go your way and i,ll go mine.
I was commenting on someone being a racist on here (and not the made up racism nutters claim). I'm not sure what problem you would have with that.
whatever you call them i would just like to see them ( o.j @ a.j.)fight with sharp knifes in a dog fighting pit.
anon: carefull not to offend gay people when talking about rump-roasting ect. and im sure tia doesn't want to hear she is a dumb cunt and so on. b.t.w. i like the c word almost as much as the n word. good nite
Once again the otherwise unemployable Pit Breeders show up....
no id have to force myself to watch them kill each other.i just thought it would be fitting for two knife murderers to fight to the bitter end in a dog ring for the enjoyment of other like minded people. and the big win win might be two dead shit factories after all that good entertainment. this in no means makes me a bull breeder or a member of the kkk or the aryan brotherhood although i do respect german engineering and manufacture.b.t.w my state of employment shoudn't be relevant here.
This seems like the most appropriate for an update on my pit bull experience. The dog that mauled my dog was declared vicious by the city police. The owner had stipulations (if she was to continue owning the dog) like 100k insurance, enclosed kennel, muzzles, etc. Well, she hasn't done any of it and now several months later my brother, a female school crossing guard, and I have all seen the dog out and about and called the cops. They tell us to call animal control (one officer for the county and his phone goes straight to voice mail) and when I get ahold of him, he tells me to call the cops. The last time I saw the dog, a few days back, I drive directly to the police station and ask to talk to a supervising officer. The window worker gives me a hard time "what do you want us to do?" etc, and I had to pull out "Am I correct in assuming that as a citizen it is my right to discuss a community saftey concern with an on duty police officer?". So, she gets the acting chief. He tells me I have to call the original reporting officer while she is on duty, which is now from midnight to 8 am, and direct all my inquiries to her (so that paperwork overhead is reduced). I told him I had emailed and left her voice messages and never received a reply over the last several months. He counsels me to remain patient and while I'm waiting to take up a new hobby. He says I should video tape the dog as evidence, which is basically me doing their job. I then express my concerns about this being a pit bull and that they kill more people than all other breeds because of their breeding. I couldn't believe it but he corrects me and says "well what I've read is that they were used in fighting and have a bad rap now because they are so loyal of a breed and just want to please their owners so much". Animal control and police officers in this area are giving me the run around and espousing maul talk. Great. I live in the city limits near a school and so can't just shoot the fucking shit bull on sight.
Sorry for your nutter troubles compounding your already difficult situation.
I'd consider calling the media. Especially if you can get some video of the beast at large on your own first.
My town is full of nutters as well, but I printed out info from dogsbite and mailed it to my mayor, alderman, and the city attorney.
In fact, what I would do is send city officials the info while getting the video, hopefully you can time it so the news story comes out right after they receive your info packets and a couple of neurons will spark.
These are the pages I send to people from dogsbite:
Pit Bulls Lead "Bite" Counts Across U.S. Cities and Counties
Cities with Successful Pit Bull Laws; Data Shows Breed-Specific Laws Work
Good Luck!
DubV, when I got the runaround from my local law enforcement and animal control after my attack, I e-mailed every one of our county commissioners, sending them photos of my bite, along with records of all the times I had called out to animal control and the sheriff to try to get this situation dealt with. I tried to go the media route, and they completely ignored me, but when I got the e-mails to the proper officials, being polite and to the point, it stirred the proper shit storm and got results.
In your case, there's already a judgment against this woman, and your dog suffered damage. The media might be more interested, particularly if pitched as a public safety issue. If any of your local news stations have one of those hotlines for how to get help when law enforcement is being lax, call them and pitch your story. Get video of the dangerous dog roaming at large and emphasize this is all against court order. You may get somewhere then.
I love how it is all ways the pitbulls fault. In reality you are never told the whole story with ANY dog attack. What lead up to the attack? It doesn't just happen for no reason.
Also no dog bite records are accurate because MOST dog bites are not reported. For example Chihuahuas are known to bite than a pitbulls but they hardly get reported because they lack the power of any larger breed.
I don't own a pitbull because I lack the space for one but given the opportunity I would own one in a heartbeat. They are one of the most loyal breeds out there. Their love and willingness to protect their family is why they were nick named nanny dogs.
To all the dog fighters ... FUCK YOU SICK BASTARDS ... no animal deserves that kind of treatment.
Instead of being anti pitbull be anti irresponsible owner.
Any breed, any time.
most bites are not reported because there is little to nothing to report!
regarding your comment about it is "all ways the pitbulls fault" please extract you head out of your ass and read this. FYI, trish king is against BSL.
the mutants were named nanny dogs in a desperate effort to manage their image. pit bulls, bulldogs, bullterriers have always had a well deserved bad reputation
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