KATIE ALLEN and her frankenmaulers
57 yr old barbara berry and her 10 yr old sheltie, sassy, were in a neighbor's yard. another neighbor's pit bull broke through the fence and attacked sassy. berry was bitten trying to save sassy. the neighbor whose yard they were in, beat the pit bull with a shovel. the pit bull ran back into its yard, barked and was let in the house. the sheltie lost a leg. the pit bull was seized and is in quarantine. berry said the pit nutters have lived in the rental for 6 months and they have a kid and another pit bull. she said the pit nutters have to spoken to her about their dogs, insisting that they are gentle. this is not the first time the pit bulls have broken the fence and roamed free. berry is planning to file a lawsuit against the pit nutters.
of course, the pit nutters KATIE ALLEN and BEN BOURQUE have their own explanation of events. despite the fact that KATIE ALLEN was not home that day, she doesn't believe that her gentle wiggle butt broke the fence and attacked without provocation. even though KATIE ALLEN was not home during the attack, she says the sheltie scratched the fence and stuck her head inside and provoked the gentle pit bull. responsible pit nutter KATIE ALLEN admits that the fence is weak and they have tried to "shore it up with lattice work" but the dogs have spent little time outside "because they tend to bark at other other dogs". KATIE ALLEN said that she and her husband are willing to pay the medical costs for both berry and sassy (yeah she says that to the news reporter and animal control but we all know the nutters will disappear into the night). but most importantly, KATIE ALLEN wants to do everything that she can to ensure that her wiggle butt NOVA lives to maul another day.
BEN BOURQUE'S version of events is even better. BOURQUE told the aco who responded to the 911 call that he didn't even know that his pit dog had gotten out of the yard.
ACO cheri muraski's version of events are best of all. after BEN BOURQUE received the quarantine spiel, he went inside to get the rabies documentation. about 30 seconds later, a white car left the ALLEN/BOURQUE garage. BEN BOURQUE came back outside to talk to the aco. BOURQUE went back in the house to get the frankenmauler and right back out with a lame ass excuse, "my roommate took the dog to a park". the aco asked for the roommate's cell phone and when she called it, the number was disconnected. then BEN BOURQUE asked the aco several times "what would happen if my friend took the dog out of state?" the aco called for police back up and an hour later the white car returned the frankenmauler.
animal control cited berry for dog at large and KATIE ALLEN AND BEN BOURQUE with the typical laundry list of pit nutter violations: no license, no rabies, dog at large, inadequate fencing and vicious dog. AND THE LANDLORD ASKED THE PIT NUTTERS TO MOVE.
sources for this story:
I believe I read that Sassy did die.
Disappearing into the night in five, four, three, two.....
No sense even trying to sue these Nutter Turnips...Go straight for the landlord who rented to Pit owners with substandard fencing..He was supposed to be the adult supervision in this liability equation.
And the Nutters wonder why they have trouble finding "Pit Bull Friendly" Rentals...
Maybe this fatal mauling put the kibosh on BEN BOURQUE's online future pit bull advocacy B.S of "I'm a college educated pit bull owner. I have a PhD in physics blah blah blah...!"
Dine and Dash right under those nose of A/C! This saves the town a long court battle like with Coverstons's Otis.
And yes, Ben Bourque is his real name... and actually, I believe his official name is Benjamin
And you are also right about Katie Allen's name..
nova is dead, and i think that the katie committed suicide her note included a url from your page, I hope you're happy. By the way, this is called liable I hope you get sued.
libel |ˈlībəl|
1 Law a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation. Compare with slander .
libel must be both false AND damaging. there is nothing false in my blog post.
It's called emotional damage, and here, there has been a lot. Don't worry....I'm researching, you'll be hearing from an attorney soon.
You know I think its funny none of your links to back up your "truths" are valid links anymore.
damaging is only one criteria.
i think it is funny that you think those articles no longer exist.
The owners of a pit bull that attacked a neighbor and her dog allegedly tried to keep the pit bull away from animal control officers after the attack, according to a report released Friday by the Larimer Humane Society.On Jan. 30, Barbara Berry reported that she and her sheltie, Sassy, were attacked by a pit bull in the 3000 block of Garrett Drive. Berry did not have Sassy on a leash at the time, and the dog was severely injured.The dog's right front leg was amputated Tuesday at the James L. Voss Veterinary Teaching Hospital at CSU, and Sassy died early Wednesday morning, owner Jerry Berry said Friday.Barbara Berry said the incident happened when she took her 10-year-old dog to collect mail from a neighbor who had gotten it by mistake. She said she and Sassy were standing in his yard when the attack happened. She reported that the pit bull broke through its fence and attacked Sassy. Berry was bitten on both hands as she tried to protect her dog. The neighbor hit the pit bull with a shovel before it ran back into its own yard.Berry said the attack was unprovoked, but Katie Allen, one of the pit bull's owners, said the sheltie scratched the fence and stuck her head inside before the pit bull broke out of its yard.Berry denies her dog was in Allen's yard.According to the Humane Society report, Animal Control Officer Cheri Muraski was dispatched to the scene and met with Berry and her neighbor. She also talked with the two paramedics who were trying to save Sassy.Muraski took the dog to the Colorado State University vet hospital and then returned to talk with the pit bull's owner.She talked with Ben Bourque, who owns 7-year-old Nova with Allen, and Bourque told Muraski he did not know his dog had gotten out of the yard. Muraski discussed the required 10-day bite confinement and quarantine agreement. Bourque signed both and returned to the house to get Nova's rabies information, the report said.About 30 seconds later, a white car left the home's garage, Muraski reported. Bourque then returned outside and talked with Muraski about the attack.He then went back to the house to get the pit bull but came out and said his roommate had taken the dog to a park, Muraski reported.Bourque said he did not know which park; and when Muraski asked for the roommate's cell phone number, Bourque gave her a number that had been disconnected."Bourque was still being polite/cooperative, but it seemed like Bourque was hiding the dog," Muraski wrote in the report. "Bourque asked me, 'What would happen if my friend took my dog out of state?' He asked me this several times."Muraski then asked Fort Collins police for assistance and after about 65 minutes, the white car returned to Bourque's house and the dog was impounded.Allen, who was not home at the time of the attack, said Friday that the roommate took Nova with him to run three or four times per week at Fort Collins-area parks. She denied there was any effort to hide the dog from animal control officers.Bourque did not return a phone call request for comment.The owners of both dogs have been cited for the incident. Berry was cited for dog at large. Bourque was cited for having a vicious dog, not having adequate fencing, dog at large and no license, according to Friday's report.Bourque has been issued a summons; ultimately, a judge will decide the pit bull's fate. The date for Bourque's first court appearance was unavailable Friday.Allen said the family has been asked to move out of its rental home. She said they have been released from their lease and told it would be "easier on everyone" if they moved. The family also has another pit bull named Shera.Jerry Berry choked up Friday talking about Sassy."It didn't need to happen. It shouldn't have happened," he said. "If they would have had their dog fenced in good, it wouldn't have happened."
no one has committed suicide so get your facts straight! and no one has a PhD over there either. just lots of excuse making as usual. basically just a couple of people who think the rules don't apply to them and that they are smarter than everyone around them. i guess ignorance is bliss huh, guess freedom of speech is dead since anytime something true is stated to someone who is in the wrong the first think they will say is "you'll be hearing from my lawyer soon" BULLSHIT get a real problem
i looked and found no evidence that katie allen is dead by her hand or otherwise. i did find ben's myspace page. his last log in was 6/28/10 and his mood says NONE but he includes a laughing emoticon. hmmm...
but back to the anonymous commenter blaming me for katie allen's supposed suicide. not bloody likely. anyone who would commit suicide as a result of anything that i have said on this blog, is already suffering from serious psychological problems.
take a closer look at this comment:
"nova is dead, and i think that the katie committed suicide her note included a url from your page"
you THINK she committed suicide but she has a suicide note with my blog?
I encourage Barbara Berry to obtain the services of a lawyer. I got closure with the settlement from the owners of the pit who attacked me. The actual owner of the dog did not have insurance but lived with someone who did. That person's insurance was liable and did pay. Go for it, force responsible behavior.
God doesn't like ugly, not this kind. You are a mean hurtful person and I'll pray for you. BTW, Barbaras medical bills are being paid, as well as her dogs(even though the treatment was free through the Vet School). Nova had her rabies tags. Katie Allen is not dead...and Ben Bourque does not have a myspace, I've looked, thats not his picture. Spread more lies. Again, I just feel sorry for you, and I'll pray for you.
finally i have time to deal with mr bliss.
if there is a god, it is by definition UGLY. just look around at what it created. so don't waste any prayers on me.
as for mean and hurtful, you mean like owning pit fighters that get loose, savage other dogs, blame the victim for their own injuries and then smuggle the ugly dogs right out from under the nose of animal control?
more lies? mr bliss, one of my "helpers" has looked into this mess and even spoke to the victim. the idiot pit nutters that killed a dog and devastated a family, continued to deny responsibility and even tried to hire a lawyer to save their ugly frankenmauler. they only gave up and pled guilty because there were no pit nuttering lawyers willing to take their heinous case. they pled guilty and were fined approximately $700. the judge ordered them to pay it to the vet school. did you know sassy had to be euthanized? after removing her leg and shoulder, she became septic. and the physical injuries suffered by barbara are still with her. she most likely will suffer permanent damage to her hand. you can bet those psychological injuries aren't going away anytime soon either. the oh so fucking generous payment of medical bills that you talk about, comes in the form of a $100 check every 6 weeks. your fucking loser friends should have been forced to take out a loan and pay the victim all at once or sit in debtor's prison. you act like the victims are getting rich off of this or using this tragedy to cash in. how much is your hand worth mr bliss? how much is your companion worth? how much is your peace of mind worth? you make me sick. you're as fucked up as the idiots you defend.
Your blog is full of lies. The biggest problem is that sassy wasn't on a lease and, the dog (sassy) whether it was a small dog or not, provoked the larger dog. In the eyes of another animal size doesn't matter. It is aggressive behavior. The law views it this way. The only problem is that sassy's owner had enough friends in the neighborhood to be able to collaborate a story to make the larger dogs owners look like they were in the wrong. You (craven desire) are obviously a lonely and bored person to pry into other people's affairs to attempt to have purpose or meaning in life. You were not there and at this point you can only operate off of hear say. Something that in the eyes of the law is not relevant to the truth. So, go ahead and censor this posting and be just like the system that should suppress what you have posted. You are nothing more than a lonely insignificant person who cannot accomplish enough in your own life to make it interesting enough to live.
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