Jonny "Vengeance"
The nutters are educating us again. Jim Gorant and Chris Cohen, the owner of Vicktory dog Jonny Justice, are teaching us about:
1. how to stick your nose into other people's business "for the breed."
2. how to perpetrate petty acts of vengeance "for the breed."
3. how to perform the "then I'll take my marbles and go home" routine "for the breed."
3. how to force a town library to abandon a children's reading program by threatening a law suit "for the breed."
Remember Jonny Justice on the Rachel Ray show? The audience was hushed a couple of times because Johnny Justice might not be stable enough to handle applause.
Jonny Justice then became part of a county wide children's reading program called "Paws for Tales." Volunteers brought their dogs to libraries so children could read to them. Unfortunately for the libraries, parents and children, pit bull owners glommed onto the program believing this would be a great way to force children to snuggle with their pitties thereby "educating" them.
Evidently some parents and librarians had educated themselves and weren't comfortable with fighting dogs hanging out with their children. A library in the town of Burlingame, CA banned pit bulls from their program. Jonny Justice and Cohen had never volunteered at the Burlingame library and were not banned from the library they volunteered at.
Cohen was reportedly "offended" by the ban that didn't affect him at all. He went to the Humane Society and the SPCA with a plan to have them demand that the Burlingame library be banned from the program. That is correct, Cohen wanted to deprive all the children of Burlingame of a reading program because he got his panties in a twist "for the breed." The humane societies, did not get involved feeling that it was not wise or mature to punish the children.
Cohen then turned to BAD RAP and hired some lawyers to threaten the town of Burlingame, informing them that their practices were disallowed by the statewide BSL ban. Burlingame realizing they did not want to fight this, but still concerned about the children's safety, pulled out of the program completely.
Though this is what Cohen originally lobbied for, he was unhappy that he could not force unwilling people to snuggle with pit bulls and he resigned from the program in protest. That will show 'em Chris!
Gorant discounts safety concerns because, after all, they've got $2 million in liability insurance so parents don't have to worry that they won't get compensated for even an extremely severe mauling on their child.
Gorant goes on to equate pit bulls with people - Native Americans, Mormons, and left handers. He suggests that people would be upset if people eliminated those groups from the program and they would! That has nothing to do with the pit bull problem at hand.
Cohen's last quote is telling. He says that if a librarian doesn't like his dog of choice, no child should have access to learning and resources at the town library.
“Some may see it as a loss to the children of the community. But I don't,” says Cohen. “A library is a source of information and learning. If the person in charge is participating in discrimination, children should not be anywhere near that facility. There is too much hate in this world already, children do not need to learn it at the library.”
Note that in reality, the library had to drop one program, but Cohen talks as if he had the library closed, and he's fine with that.
If BAD RAP, Gorant, and Cohen think they can convince the rest of the world that not allowing pit bulls in a library with children is the same as denying access to Native Americans or left handers, they are nuts.
Congratulations Patricia Harding and the town of Burlingame for standing up to bullies and standing strong on your right to safeguard your children!
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This is beyond belief. There are all these words that the bleeding heart wing of nutterdom use like "discrimination" and "judging". They believe these things are inherently bad, even when applied to a dog breed. They have slipped off the road of sanity long ago and can longer view dogs and people objectively. Let's say a zoo has a small parrot and a bird of prey (say a large eagle of some kind). Is it discrimination to insist that people wear a leather arm sleeve when the bird of prey is perched on them? Is it discrimination to suggest perhaps the pre-schoolers should not be allowed to get close to the eagle but can touch the parrot?
Have I posted yet today how much I hate nutters?
if you thought golf correspondent gorant was out of his league pretending to be an investigative reporter, just wait til you see gorant the philosopher. this guy's IQ drops 10 points every time his fingers hit the keyboard.
JONNY VENGEANCE, what a great name for chris cohen's dog!
sounds like that dog jonny justice is more than an ambassador for the breed. hes also a canine warrior against widespread oppression and unjust prejudice of the noble pit bull breed. lesser dogs and their crazy owners should tremble to incur the wrath of victory dog jonny justice
The advocate cry babies are balling about the library teaching "racism." If the children were reading to cats, and some nut job wanted to bring in a “tame” tiger, would that denial be racism?
And no problem bringing in a dog named "Vengeance?" Have a seat kiddies, today were going to learn about pay-back, getting even, revenge, "Vengeance."
People with pit bulls in therapy programs are as transparent as the day is long. They have no genuine interests in the children or patients they pretend to serve. They would not participate if not for the opportunity to advocate for pit bulls. Their willingness to shut down a children's reading program is proof of their selfish motives.
I’d love to help those kids learn! ‘Map Reading 101’
“This is where you live, and every one of these little icons is where a pit bull has killed someone. Any questions?” http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=108192749593590792990.00045e70b5097f149c065&z=6
What a Narcissist. I'm glad they stood up to him, also. Truly better no reading program than one where pit bulls are shoved on the kids and librarians. Hopefully, the library can find a similar program that doesn't attract the nutsacks.
Do Gorant and Cohen understand they they are making pit bulls and pit bull owners look bad? Encouraging people to hate pit bulls and pit bull owners?
When you act like an ignorant Nazi clown, people DON'T LIKE YOU AND REJECT YOU. As they should.
And comparing minorities to dogs is one of the most racist things I have ever heard!
This Gorant should get busted for a hate crime!
If you look at the comments, they are filled with the usual pit bull breeders and dog fighters threatening this poor liberarian because Gorant and Cohen have organized a terrorist attack upon her. It is clear that she, too, is receiving death threats thanks to Gorant and Cohen.
The pit bull breeders and dog fighters support this kind of "promotion" so they can breed and sell more dogs. This is the equivalent of a pet store or breeders coming in to kids' libraries to sell dogs. This Cohen and Gorant don't care about kids. They want to sell dogs!
As for Bad Rap, it is clear that they are doing everything they can to get pit bulls banned. The damage they have done to the reputation of pit bulls and pit bull owners is huge.
(And it is clear that Jane Saul Berkey is pushing her contacts in the media to publish this propaganda and to get people threatened and terrorized. She is a "literary agent" in New York where this media publication is produced. This is an example of "friends doing favors for friends." Someone is going to get killed because Jabne wants to help pit bull breeders and thugs make money off pit bulls.)
There is no way that $2 million in liability would cover the costs of even one bite.
I feel bad for California Mountain Lions...since 1900, they have only killed 6 Californians (2 of those died from rabies complications). Pits have killed 36 Californians, yet they maintain "domesticated animal" status...
IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone may want to ask Andrew Saul, Republican bureacrat,
why his sister is working so hard to get kids hurt or killed, and working so hard to promote the breeding and exploitation of these dogs? And getting involved with and funding people who are attacking and terrorizing the public?
Andrew Saul works for US, OUR government!
Bad Rap, behind this publicity stunt and terrorist attack on this librarian and town, is on his sister Jane Saul Berkey's payroll.
This was NOT revealed in Gorant's article, that there are special interests behind this and funding this. That is UNETHICAL JOURNALISM.
I am neither Democrat nor Republican, but the truth is that Rick Berman of Center for Consumer Freedom has ties to some of the Republican party, and Rick Berman is a lobbyist for these dog breeders and dog fighters.
Who is in the shadows behind Jane Saul Berkey?
We have already seen that Nathan Winograd and Best Friends have ties to Rick Berman and his breeder clients and their organizations, and have been spreading Berman-oid propaganda and using Berman tactics, repeating the same lies the Berman-affiliated breeder lobby uses. Best Friends was even promoting Berman propaganda websites DIRECTLY in their magazine (and also not revealing the special interests who owned and run those websites)!
Andrew Saul promotes "terror-free" investments, but his sister and her associates are terrorizing and threatening people right here in this country.
This guy works for us, on our dime, and wants to run for office.
"His daughter, Jennifer Saul Yaffa, is the National Committeewoman of the Republican National Committee from the New York Republican State Committee. She is also head of the Manhattan GOP."
What gives, Saul family?
Why is the Saul family promoting fighting breeds? Lying to people about their danger, and terrorizing people? Funding organizations that terrorize people with nuisance lawsuits, designed to intimidate and bankrupt?
Andrew Saul has some ethics issues himself
And why did he drop out of the race?
"A vice chairman of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority who is running for Congress in New York’s northern suburbs has taken political donations from two developers bidding for the right to build a mammoth residential and commercial complex over the authority’s West Side railyards, according to federal election filings.
The contributions to the candidate, Andrew M. Saul, could conflict with state ethics rules barring state employees and members of unpaid boards, like the transportation authority’s, from taking donations from companies or individuals seeking to do business with their agency."
PIT BULL NET DRAIN ON SOCIETY MOMENT OF THE DAY: Stripping bark off trees in the taxpayer's park....MUST SEE PHOTOS!
Would any other dog breed community have to worry so much about its members threatening people like this? How can these people not know they are trash or willingly associating with trash?
I'm sure glad the library in my town is of the more progressive type.
This junk was in Parade, right?
The immensely rich Newhouse family of NY owns Parade, and also Random House publishing company (among much else including some newspapers and online media sites. Compare what they own with the "pit nutter" syndrome) Family members maintain tight control and interaction over these businesses.
Jane Saul Berkey is a literary agent in NYC. She runs the Jane Rotrosen Agency (Rotrosen is her middle name)
Berkey works with Random House and her "clients" are published by Random House and subsidiaries. Berkey is an agent and worked directly with Random House to get her clients deals and contracts.
Berkey has a direct connection to the owners of Parade.
Example among many
Again, Berkey has direct business connections to the owners and publishers of Parade.
The Sauls and Newhouses run in the same circles, belong to the same groups, socialize at the same events.
Newhouse publishing ownership
"People with pit bulls in therapy programs are as transparent as the day is long. They have no genuine interests in the children or patients they pretend to serve. They would not participate if not for the opportunity to advocate for pit bulls. Their willingness to shut down a children's reading program is proof of their selfish motives."
Thank you for this perfect summation of the "therapy pit syndrome." I've seen videos that focus solely on the idiot dog with the cancer patients just kind of part of the background.
Very interesting about the publishing connections between Berkey's agency, Random House, the Sauls and the Newhouses.
I think they've gone too far this time. They just flat out said the the people of Burlingame - We have decided you are better off without reading programs if you won't accept our controversial dogs.
This article should be spread far and wide. No non-nutter can see this as anything but insanity. This is where all that "canine racism" bs is going if we let it.
As always is the case in these unethical yellow journalism schemes, THIS GETS WORSE!
The publisher of Jim Gorant's book was, prior to going to Penguin, a president and founding publisher at Random House, owned by the same owner as this Parade.
This same publisher of Gorant's book, Gotham Books, Bill William Shinker, is now under Penguin, and Rotrosen (Saul Berkey) does business with Penguin TOO!
Gorant himself has worked for Newhouse family publications like GQ.
These people are all interconnected. From the owner of Parade, to the writer of the article, to the Bad Rap organization in the article, to the publisher of the writer's promoted book, to the writer's book promotion events and the shadow figure funding the organization in this article AND activities that the writer of the article promotes his book in- Jane Rotrosen Saul Berkey.
Yellow Journalism
"biased opinion masquerading as objective fact"
but worse, people who have FINANCIAL interests in pushing this biased opinion.
Berkey also funds Bad Rap, who organized this hateful attack on this library and town, through her Animal Farm Foundation business.
This was NOT revealed by Parade nor by Jim Gorant. Someone directly connected to the publisher and owners of Parade that published this Gorant article, someone directly connected to writer Gorant and activities that Gorant promotes his book through, is a prime funder of the organization and this specific event that this article is written about.
Writer Jim Gorant is himself DIRECTLY involved in activities funded by Jane Rotrosen Saul Berkey's Animal Farm Foundation business
"On Tuesday, a group of teens at the Kids in Transition residential facility in New Jersey received a special visit. The Lost Dogs author Jim Gorant, former Michael Vick dog Hector, and a rescued Pit Bull named Sarge stopped by.
Like the dogs, the young men here are abuse survivors, and they read Gorant's book as part of their curriculum. The visit (in conjunction with Pit Bull rescue and educational organization, Animal Farm Foundation."
(Hector the dog is connected to Bad Rap)
This was NOT revealed by Parade and Newhouse publications, nor by Gorant, nor by Cohen, nor by Bad Rap. Gorant's specific involvement with the parties involved in this attack upon this town and library is never mentioned! But promotion of his book sure is!
In fact, in this Kids in Transition program (funded by the government, by TAXPAYERS)that Gorant appeared at and funded by Berkey's Animal Farm Foundation, Gorant's book is ASSIGNED AS PART OF THE CURRICULUM. These kids are FORCED to read Gorant's book and participate in Berkey's indoctrination programs! Taxpayers, you are paying for this.
Every entity in this disgusting display of unethical yellow journalism is DIRECTLY connected to each other.
Gorant WORKS for Berkey in these "visitation to youth" schemes and has a direct, personal interest in these book or reading programs. Is he receiving money from Jane Rotrosen Saul Berkey and her Animal Farm Foundation directly? Don't know, but his book is being heavily promoted to these kids, even is required reading,) and he is benefitting financially from book sales, and promotion of his book through these programs, at least. AS IS HIS PUBLISHER, WHOSE COMPANY IS CONNECTED TO JANE ROTROSEN SAUL BERKEY, LITERARY AGENT!
This is all a moneymaker for Gorant. There's even a direct plug for his book in this "article."
Gorant has a personal, vested, business interest in these "promoting pit bulls to kids" programs because HIS BOOK IS GETTING PROMOTED AND SOLD THROUGH THEM, and in some cases kids are being REQUIRED to read his book!
That's money in his pocket, and money in his publisher's pocket. The same publisher who works within a company that Jane Berkey plys her trade in.
This is Yellow Journalism at its very lowest.
It is completely unethical and deceitful in every way, and in every direction.
A chapter in this tale of woe that slipped out that has the links between these parties.
I'll separate it into two.
As always is the case in these unethical yellow journalism schemes, THIS GETS WORSE!
The publisher of Jim Gorant's book was, prior to going to Penguin, a president and founding publisher at Random House, owned by the same owner as this Parade.
This same publisher of Gorant's book, Gotham Books, Bill William Shinker, is now under Penguin, and Rotrosen (Saul Berkey) does business with Penguin TOO!
Gorant himself has worked for Newhouse family publications like GQ.
These people are all interconnected. From the owner of Parade, to the writer of the article, to the Bad Rap organization in the article, to the publisher of the writer's promoted book, to the writer's book promotion events and the shadow figure funding the organization in this article AND activities that the writer of the article promotes his book in- Jane Rotrosen Saul Berkey.
Yellow Journalism
"biased opinion masquerading as objective fact"
but worse, people who have FINANCIAL interests in pushing this biased opinion.
Berkey also funds Bad Rap, who organized this hateful attack on this library and town, through her Animal Farm Foundation business.
This was NOT revealed by Parade nor by Jim Gorant. Someone directly connected to the publisher and owners of Parade that published this Gorant article, someone directly connected to writer Gorant and activities that Gorant promotes his book through, is a prime funder of the organization and this specific event that this article is written about.
Writer Jim Gorant is himself DIRECTLY involved in activities funded by Jane Rotrosen Saul Berkey's Animal Farm Foundation business
"On Tuesday, a group of teens at the Kids in Transition residential facility in New Jersey received a special visit. The Lost Dogs author Jim Gorant, former Michael Vick dog Hector, and a rescued Pit Bull named Sarge stopped by.
Like the dogs, the young men here are abuse survivors, and they read Gorant's book as part of their curriculum. The visit (in conjunction with Pit Bull rescue and educational organization, Animal Farm Foundation."
(Hector the dog is connected to Bad Rap)
This was NOT revealed by Parade and Newhouse publications, nor by Gorant, nor by Cohen, nor by Bad Rap. Gorant's specific involvement with the parties involved in this attack upon this town and library is never mentioned! But promotion of his book sure is!
In fact, in this Kids in Transition program (funded by the government, by TAXPAYERS)that Gorant appeared at and funded by Berkey's Animal Farm Foundation, Gorant's book is ASSIGNED AS PART OF THE CURRICULUM. These kids are FORCED to read Gorant's book and participate in Berkey's indoctrination programs! Taxpayers, you are paying for this.
Gorant has a personal, vested, business interest in these "promoting pit bulls to kids" programs because HIS BOOK IS GETTING PROMOTED AND SOLD THROUGH THEM, and in some cases kids are being REQUIRED to read his book!
(The Parade article even has a book plug and link to buy at the end of the article. The article may as well be called ADVERTISING.)
That's money in his pocket, and money in his publisher's pocket. The same publisher who works within a company that Jane Rotrosen Saul Berkey does business with.
All of this is, aside from the pit bull promotion business angle, is a typical example of how the "media" is more an advertising medium than "news."
The media sells us stuff. The media tricks us into supporting their business interests or regulation opposition or whatever it is they need from us. The media lets their friends and business partners use the guise of "reporting" and "news" to sell us this..
We get manipulated in ways we don't even realize, we get tricked with all this "discrimination" or poor dogs or whatever emotional manipulation gets us to believe this is the truth and to buy the book or dogma or product or dog breed or "oppose regulation" scheme.
"Reporters" and "writers" that don't even reveal the lobbying groups or businesses they work for, don't reveal the connections they have to the subjects in the articles, the benefits they receive, the ways they profit by such propaganda.
I think it is shamefully unethical for Jim Gorant to target a librarian publicly and call her a "racist" for not wanting pit bulls in her reading program. He has NO IDEA what feedback this librarian has gottten from parents. There are MANY families who have been victims of pit bull attacks, whose children are terrified of these dogs. I would never want my child in a program with pit bulls, because it is far too obvious that the types of fanatics that push "therapy pit bulls" have no interest in helping people, but are only there to promote their cause. They lack the ability to be objective about their dogs behavior, since promoting pit bulls has become a kind of religion for them.
Some signs of Yellow Journalism, also known as Unethical Journalism
"use of faked interviews, misleading headlines, pseudo-science, and a parade of false learning from so-called experts"
"dramatic sympathy with the "underdog" against the system."
The real, actual "underdogs" are not the pit bulls, however.
The real "underdogs" that Gorant, Cohen, Bad Rap, Parade magazine, and Jane Retrosen Saul Berkey ignore while they weave their tales and lies about "discrimination" to get sympathy are the VICTIMS of pit bulls.
the kids mauled and killed by pit bulls (which happen to be predominantly poor and/or minority, victims of the rich white pit bull lobby. Now THAT'S discrimination!)
the elderly mauled while they garden or get their mail, the adults trying to live their lives and getting mauled and killed for no reason whatsoever by pit bulls, the homeowners who can't be in their yards and have to keep their doors locked because pit bulls break through their doors to attack their families
the thousands of pets and animals mauled and killed by pit bulls, the pets that die so No Kill sanctuaries and shelters can get stuffed with pit bulls warehoused for sometimes years.
The cops, the firefighters, the EMTs, the postal delivery people, the utility services people, the work crews, getting attacked by these fighting breeds known as pit bulls
the taxpayers spending millions cleaning up after the greed of dog breeders, dog fighters, and No Kill pit bull "advocate" dog dealers. The costs to collect, house, investigate, and intercede in public pit bull issues increases every day, putting pressure on communities that have budget problems and are laying people off. Laying off cops as we spend more money cleaning up after the damage that pit bull advocates do? Does this make sense?
Jane Rotrosen Saul Berkey and Bad Rap and Chris Cohen and Jim Gorant and Penguin Books and Bill Shinker and Gotham Books and the Newhouse family (owners of Parade) aren't picking up the tab for any of this fighting breed pit bull mayhem that they advocate for, or allow their publishing houses or publications to advocate for.
The VICTIMS of pit bulls are paying the price.
The pit bull "advocates" are checking sales figures.
(And while you pay your taxes, and fund programs that require kids to read Gorant's book and increase profits for him and his publisher, and pay to clean up after pit bull mayhem, the Newhouses, who own Parade that published this Gorant Berkey Yellow Journalism, think they are "special" and shouldn't have to pay their due
"One way the Newhouse family apparently was able to accumulate so much money so rapidly during the 20th Century was by hiring accountants and lawyers who figured out unique ways for the Newhouse dynasty to avoid paying a fair share of taxes on their rapidly growing family wealth"
I agree with anon6:38
And I would say that it is eye opening the connections Gorant has to get this stuff out, but the interesting point here is that even with all the power, when you go too far, you shoot yourself in the foot.
They went too far. They are saying if you don't accept my controversial dog right now, right here and where ever I demand, I will threaten you and I have no problem dismantling children's programs to teach you a lesson - don't mess with me, my fanatical friends or my dangerous dogs.
I am really surprised that any library, which is funded by the city, would allow pit bulls into their programs. My city solicitor would have put a stop to something like that long ago. They are jeoprodizing their insurance coverage, and 2 million dollars provided by the Therapy dog group isn't nearly enough to cover a city if a tragedy happened.
The Newhouses tried to claim in 1980 after the death of a family member they only owed 48 million in taxes on an estate of 98 million.
The IRS actually charged them with fraud. Their estate was actually more like over a BILLION, meaning they really owed hundreds of millions in taxes.
The Newhouses tax return was so ridiculous that fraud charges were imposed.
Of course, the Newhouses dragged out the fleet of lawyers and haggled with the IRS for years, first getting all the penalties and interest and fraud charges dropped, then ultimately in 1990 a bum judge gave the Newhouses what they asked for- they only had to pay the pittance in estate taxes they originally claimed.
It would like if you had a tax bill of $700 plus penalties and interest (remember they had a free loan for years while they fought over this with the IRS) and your lawyers and judge got you off with only paying $48.
You can buy what you want if you have enough money.
You can hire a blitz of lawyers and terrorize a town or library into submission, then smear them thanks to friends in the media.
America Gets Fucked.
I can't figure out why, with the skyrocketing asthma rates and allergy rates among kids, any school or library would allow dogs in period.
And it is so that $2 million coverage would barely cover a thing if the dog even jumped on a kid and knocked the kid down.
What is the background on this Chris Cohen who owns this ex fighting dog?
I have always been confused about why these libraries and schools - Berkey has school programs - let children be exposed to pit bulls because of liability issues.
I do not understand why more parents don't object either.
The sad thing is that this town would have had a very good chance of winning a lawsuit and chipping away at the statewide BSl law to boot, but a town that size can't be expected to spend that kind of money.
I am just imagining the hate mail this woman and these town leaders are getting now.
Does anyone think there's any positive way to contact them and tell them we support them? I just don't want to add to the pile on.
I wonder if it would be helpful to write to state legistators...
Any ideas?
I think these groups, by insisting pit bulls be allowed into therapy dog programs, will cause all of these programs to stop. My guess is that a lot of parents didn't even realize who the dog was...the parents may drop off children into the childrens program, and go browse in the adult section; if the program was part of a library visit that happens during the school day, parents would know nothing at all. Kids involved in the reading program probably have to have their parents sign a release form to be in the program, but its likely the breed of dog is not mentioned. I'm sure a lot of parents were not aware that an ex-fighting pit bull was in the library with their kids.
Jonny Justice was a cash cow for Bad Rap....his "therapy dog" gig was a carefully orchestrated public relations campaign. The goal was to get a lot of photos with Jonny posing with kids. Here is a video from the Bad Rap blog of Jonny "working"..
For all of you experienced dog handlers, what do you notice about this? I notice right away that the handler needs to use treats to keep Jonny focused on HIM and not the children the entire time he is "working". The therapy dog teams I have seen never use treats to motivate a dog to sit and tolerate petting. If the dog needs constant reinforcement and treats to tolerate attention from children then he shopuld NOT be working as a therapy dog.
Good Looking APBT,
Keep up the good work!!!
I think I will file a lawsuit against the Burlingame police department for discrimination...I heard they use only German Shepherds in the canine units! Why not Golden Retreivers? That's racist...its like saying Golden Retreivers could not do as good a job as German Shepherds! Thats insulting to all the Golden Retreivers who want desperately to join the police force!
anon 10:02
You are not going far enough. File a lawsuit and force them to REMOVE ALL K9s from the dept if they won't take your breed of choice! That will show the city and punish the citizenry!
Pit Heil!
Anonymous said...
Good Looking APBT,
Keep up the good work!!!
Hey stupid; I thought there was no such thing as a pit bull! Of course, if you can find something that looks like a pit bull planted in a public relations campaign, THEN there are and it is a pit bull.
Fuckin' Pitiots.
Very right. Prove its an apbt. if it hasn't attacked yet you can't just automatically claim its an apbt.
You have to prove it.
The story is going viral...has the librarian received any death threats yet? That will come soon enough.
How about that for a headline?Libraian Faces Death Threats from Bad Rap Fans!"
My entire town bans shit bulls and has for many years. We have those Library programs where kids read to dogs.
Nary a shit bull in site!
Oh, I stand corrected. Shit bulls are allowed at the pound with their one way ticket.
From a parent's perspective...it is unethical, immoral, and dangerous for adults to be "educating" young children that all pit bulls are "nice" dogs, and therefore approachable. As a responsible parent, I have told my children that there are certain breeds of dog they should NOT approach, unless I give them permission...regardless of what the dogs owner or handler might say. Unless I personally know the owner,the dogs background, breeding and training, I tell my children to stay away; this includes all the "muscle dog" breeds, and some small breeds. I do not want to rob my children of the joy that dogs bring to their lives, or prevent them from interacting with the many wonderful canine friends who live in our neighborhood. Yet it would be ridiculous to allow them to approach a pit bull dragging its 19 year old, tattoed and pierced female owner down the street, who claims she just rescued him and he "loves kids". The truth is, you are more likely to run into a dangerous pit bull than a therapy dog; and from what I have seen, these pit therapy dogs are NOT appropriate candidates for the job.
The fact that Cohen and Gorant would play the race card on someone like me is infuriating...racism does NOT apply to animals! How dare these people try to force their political agenda on parents by using our children as political footballs! Every parent has the right to say, "I am not comfortable with this for safety reasons, and I don't want this breed of dog around my child... I also don't want to send my child the message that these dogs, in general, are friendly and safe to
The library was wise to stop the program. It shows the true colors of the pit bull fanatics....if they keep it up, maybe they can end all therapy dog programs all over the country.
Wow, go to the Parade article and read the comments. Either the pit bull folks are dumber than a box of rocks, they are totally indoctrinated, or both. I vote for the later.
Most comments just chide the librarian for not being open-minded and educated (as they see it). Or they state how awful it was for the librarian to force Cohen to do what he did. None of the nutters question Cohen because he is in the battle with them as they see it.
It is disheartening to see so many dumb people in the world.
Anonymous @ 12:08 PM; Beautifully articulated. It gives me hope to know some parents are still paying attention.
"go to the Parade article and read the comments. Either the pit bull folks are dumber than a box of rocks,"
They have been CULTivated from the most gullible in society. If pit bulls would kill their owners more often, it would be easier to appreciate the beauty of natural selection. Mankind would get smarter, and pit bulls would effortlessly disappear.
Parade, as has been cultivating the pit nutter crowd. Anything that Gorant writes gets unmitigated love on that site.
It is scary to think the librarian might be getting threats. And i'm sure both the library and the town are getting deluged with protest emails.
Anon 12:08
Thank you for your post. That is a very powerful, coherent statement. I imagine you are speaking for the vast majority of parents.
I can't imagine many people enjoy being used or their children being used. It is a violation of trust to the nth degree.
The nutters are flooding the library Facebook page....scroll down a little...and harrassing the librarian.
"The nutters are flooding the library Facebook page"
Despicable bastards. A pox on their houses!
>>>>>The nutters are flooding the library Facebook page....scroll down a little...and harrassing the librarian.
ROFLMAO That's probably why Craven doesn't have one. Couldn't stand the heat.......
Does facebook even allow hate groups to have pages?
Hey nutters! Good job proving to the general public that you are all a bunch of lunatics! That way, when you try to tell people how wonderful it would be for you and your "therapy pit bull" to come to their facility to visit, organizations will already know they should avoid you, your dogs, and anyone associated with you...because you are all bat-shit crazy!
So you all want to threaten and harrass a librarian for respecting the PARENTS of the children who did NOT want an ex-fighting pit bull in the program? You want to dictate to PARENTS that they HAVE to accept you and your dog? Good luck with that. That's a really good strategy for winning hearts and minds.
The day a bunch of simple minded lunatics from the fringes of the animals rights movement try to force their dangerous dogs on children against the wishes of their parents, is the day we fight back. You have over-reached this time.
Taylor hernandez is laughing about a librarian getting harrassed for trying to protect children.
go fawn over dog fighters
Ahhh....it was Bad Rap who sicced the nuts on the librarian....nice!
"They have been CULTivated from the most gullible in society"
Some are.
But most of these comments are from the dog breeder and dog fighter lobby.
Berkey, Bad Rap, and the rest PROMOTE the sale and breeding of these dogs.
Thanks to the dog fighting laws and maulings, the breeders and dog fighters are afraid that regulation is going to continue and they will lose their "cash cows."
So they pretend to be "dog lovers" and jabber about "racism" to get sympathy and to try to convince the Average Joe to keep letting the breeders kill with their dogs, keep breeding and selling, keep fighting dogs and gambling.
(And the AKC nuts join in and opppose any regulation anyway, on behalf of protecting their tax cheating and their puppy mills. This is about the dog breeding and SELLING business. They have to be able to have a market to keep selling these breeds to and making money)
This is all a big money business and Berkey is just doing sales for slimy breeders, whether she thinks she is or not.
They are promoting dog sales among these kids, creating a market, trying to shake down "donations," promoting their book sales, using and abusing these children.
It's like having someone from the tobacco industry come in to have tobacco fondling and indoctrination sessions. "Hey kids! Tell your parents to buy some for you, and oppose any public safety laws!"
Berkey and Gorant are using these kids like a corporation uses the buying public. This is about BUSINESS, not about dog care or anything else.
And Berkey, Gorant, Cohen, and Bad Rap sent the word out to THIS dog breeder industry audience to bully and flood with comments, and make it appear as though more people support fighting dogs. They don't. It's just the usual suspects posting over and over again, a tiny little extremist group trying to look larger than it is.
But someone is going to get killed or attacked eventually thanks to Berkey and Bad Rap. Their "followers" consist of many dangerous people.
This has all become terrorist activity.
And Berkey will let Gorant and the two tools at Bad Rap take the fall for anything that goes wrong.
They sold themselves, but they'll pay the price for a rich woman fooling around.
It's clear that these library and school programs need to end completely, because someone is going to die because a rich, selfish, spoiled, New York City old lady brat is whipping some very bad people into a frenzy and siccing them on very good people.
Johnny Vengeance looks part Ampu-Bull to me...Is there anyway we can get a DNA Test?!?
"Parade, as has been cultivating the pit nutter crowd. Anything that Gorant writes gets unmitigated love on that site.'
this is because the owners of that publication have a personal relationship to Gorant and his minder, Jane Berkey.
this isn't chance. this is sleaze.
poor misunderstood wigglebutts and their sensitive tatooed and pierced owners. the world is such a cruel place. thank god there are some courageous kick ass pit owners out there with the guts to go against all the bullies and insecure control freaks.
I'll prove its a pitbull, just as soon as you can prove its going to bite someone.
What are you talking about, anon 8:13? Pit bulls don't exist until BSB's are being handed out like Halloween candy. Then *everyone* knows what a pit bull is.
Genius anon 8:13
See, no sweetness, we were just joking about your willingness to visually identify the dog as not only a pit bull, but an apbt, something nutters claim is impossible. You sure about Vick's pedigrees?
The burden of proof is on the nutters to prove their dogs are no more likely to inflict devastating maulings on children with no provocation than the other breeds of dogs ACTUALLY USED IN THE PROGRAM.
Judging from photos I can find, I assure you that owners of the other breeds that typically find their way to the top of the kill and seriously maim list are not even represented in the program - because owners of presa canarios and rottweilers are at least smart enough to understand how mortified they'd be if a kid got mauled. NOT PIT BULL OWNERS.
So go ahead, prove that the ex-fighting dog is just as safe as the goldens, the labs, the fluffy little lap dogs - because besides the shit bulls, that's all I see in the program.
these fucking dingbats, they actually make the choice of a fighting dog , born and bred single purposely to fight to the death in a dog pit. then they have to go to these ridiculous lengths trying to prove their dog and their chosen bred is not what it seems after all. if theyd chosen almost any other bred or nonbreed they wouldnt have to scam anyone or go to any of this trouble. truth is these people like trouble, they are like their fucking dogs.
^^^ What snarkrageous said. ^^^
This story could be titled, 'Pit Bull Activists Shoot Themselves in Foot Again.'
Just weeks after Pit Bull Activists make telephonic death threats against a 71 year old woman for expressing concerns in Tehachapi, another set of pro pit activists succeed in shutting down a children's reading program.
Never mind the continuing stream of headline attacks by pit bulls, these people are their own worst enemies.
As parent whose child has been to one of these library reading programs I can only applaud the librarian in question for listening to parental concerns about pit bulls in the program. I've never seen a pit used in ours and if I did, my child wouldn't go anymore.
This whole thing reminds me of the time I was out with my daughter in the stroller having lunch at an outdoor patio when a pit bull owner walked by and the dingbat owner let her dog put it's face in my 17 month old's saying, "It's okay, he's friendly."
Uh first off, fuck you and second get that dog out of my kids face. I'm sure she just wanted to show off how child safe and friendly her pit was but unless I say it's okay to do so, do not let your dog go nose to nose with my toddler uninvited. I don't know your dog and your dog doesn't know my child. I almost punched that bitch.
Not cool. Don't show off your pit using my child as a prop. Same as these nuts want to do at the library.
For the record, I would have felt the same about any dog being allowed to do that by their owner but the dog being a pit just made it doubly worse.
anon 11:08 : i suspect these are the same careless people who lose their own children through laziness , neglect and not doing what proper parents do . then they mourn and agitate and blame anyone else but themselves sometimes for the rest of their lives . i too have had assholes force their supposedly friendly dogs on me and my dog even after me telling them not to. troublemakers.
Exactly Snark, not only that I bet she would be the first one yelling "parents fault!" if my kid went up to her pit uninvited and got mauled.
It sucks as someone who loves dogs and grew up with them that I have to teach my own child to be so wary of them now. Our area is overrun with pits and I'm afraid to let my kid near them.
When I was growing up we had a wonderful GSD/Corgi mix who was without a doubt the most loyal, lovable and tolerant dog in the world. There's a great pic my mom took of him dressed in one of my shirts having a dog biscuit and cookie tea party with me when I was three. He a true family dog in every sense of the word. My mom never had a reason to be fearful of him being around my sister and me.
I'll give you one guess what kind of dog launched an unprovoked attack on him when he was 11 years old and completely tore the muscles of his hindquarters to shreds requiring him to be PTS. Hint: it wasn't a Golden Retriever.
these dogs and their owners truly are the pits
I was at the dog park where I used to live on the 25 lbs or less side. This guy brings his pit in and immediately a lady I was friends with asked him to leave nicely. He cusses her and calls her a racist, and then we all tell him we feel the same. He kept saying "i just want my dog to get used to being around little dogs". Sorry, not our issue to help you resolve mr. selfless. So, he goes over to the big dog side and finds a few ears to loudly curse into about the bitch and other assholes on the little dog side, complete with pointing and hand waving. I know there are some none asshole pit owners out there, but when you only hear about them, and never see it, it begins to sound like an urban legend.
if it looks like a pitbull acts like a pitbull and its owner is an asshole maybe it is a pitbull.
some jerk at the dog park explained to me the reason his dog attacked us was because his dog could smell my prejudice against his dog. watching too much cesar millan is my theory.
thank god for some courageous kick ass pit owners fighting against the bullies and control freaks ??? you guessed it!! some dumb fringe loving bitch actually said it.
Please provide links of these pit owners fighting against other pit owners. They've usually got their heads so far up each other's asses that when their mouths move the shit flies.
Pit nutters worship Cesar Milan. They'll play the "Cesar High Card" in debates where they'll just post a quote from him and then just step back in its glory. Too funny.
anon 11:04 by bullies and control freaks i think she meant us bsl advocates and bully banners. im not sure im for an all out ban on certain breeds but certainly some kind of regulation. but fighting widespread injustice and ignorance?
this coming from the sleaze fringe of pitnutterdumb. talk about dumb and dumber. pitdog and pitman or in this case 'pitwoman and we cant even arm ourselves properly here.
No need for a DNA test...Any felon can identify one instantaneously!
Responsible pit bull owner = oxymoron
Snarkattacker, I knew what she was trying to imply. I was just correcting her faulty logic. :D
May 9, 1907, President Roosevelt's prized Bull Terrier "Pete" chews up a Naval Clerk on the Whitehouse grounds.
I just had to mention....nutters are STILL harrassing the librarian on the library Facebook page. Its really horrible; they all sound like idiots. They are bullies, just like their dogs....no wonder parents don't want these sociopaths and their pit bulls in the library.
They're pushing harder
And Donna blogged it
There's a change.org petition to the library
The reading program was not "shut down"...it was changed to a "Book Buddies" program, where High School students come in and have the children read to them instead. Its a win-win for the kids....young children LOVE attention from older teens, and the teens get community service credits from their High School, which some High Schools require for graduation.
Honestly, if therapy dog groups are going to force their dogs on parents and kids who may be afraid of them, and for good reason, then they have viloated the entire purpose of therapy work. I would be curious to know what position Therapy Dogs International takes on this...is it part of "therapy" work to force a dog on individuals that don't want to be around your dog?
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