TIA, how do you explain the discrepancies between the information you present on your website "FAQ" page and the information you present in this interview?
@ 5:50 "well every breed of dog is made up for that particular reason. you know otherwise we wouldn't have you know police departments using belgian malinois and german shepherds for police work, ah labradors you know that that retrieve and are and are great you know drug dogs, they're they're set up for specific reasons, you know pit bulls are bred to be stable with people that was their number one thing. they were called the nanny dog back in the day in england. they were used for um, to to hang out with children and um thus the reason, you know petey, became petey on the little rascals. they're bred to be great with children and um they were farm dogs actually. you know people have a misconception, they say oh they were bred to fight each other. that is not true. they were bred to be farm dogs, they were bred to be family dogs and it was we, as a human race that thought, hey let's prey upon that terrier side of the dog which a terrier is a very tenacious breed. the jack russell terriers, you know, they're bred to crawl down the hole and chase out the rats and the weasels and the rabbits and the varmints. so these are big terriers and they're not for everybody. you know, they could be feisty with other animals but with people and children, they are fantastic."
and the FAQ copied from her website
The Breed’s Original Purpose
Humans have created very specialized dogs through emphasizing desired traits and eliminating unwanted ones. It is no different with the Pit Bull breed. The American Pit Bull Terrier has been “selectively” bred for hundreds of years to fight other dogs. This is the sad “work” these dogs were created for. In the same way that Labradors were bred to retrieve birds, APBT’s were bred to face other dogs in mortal combat. Even in dogs that are not recently bred from fighting lines, the urge to rumble can arise at any time. Not to strongly emphasize this fact is to be negligent. We would be equally negligent if we were placing Beagles and failed to educate the adopter about why the specific traits that scent oriented dogs, hunting dogs, bred to work in packs, present certain challenges to those who wish to obedience train their hound.
Wow, no integrity on her part. Nice that you included all her "ums" in the transcript. Would be interesting to study how often someone says "um" right before a lie.
i find it amazing that Tia wants to be an truthful and responsible educator about pit bulls but then contradicts the very purpose by purporting myths like nanny dogs and not being bred for human aggression.
Why aren't you being interviewed Craven? You're more researched an full of more intellect than this uneducated grifter is.
Tia seriously cannot be this deluded, desperate, and stupid. I knew she was a slut, but I was at least willing to give her the credibility of being an immoral grifter.
The fact that no one corrected her on these blatant lies just goes to show how truly biased the media is and to what side the media is biased on. In that aspect the nutters are right...
I think everyone should write an intelligent complaint to Animal Planet, and whatever news station decided to show this garbage.
If there were ever a reason for me to truly despise this woman, this is the most damming I've seen so far.
I would never have my pit bull or myself support anything she does.
Did this bitch even TRY to cover her tracks before blatantly lying????
She is the WORST liar I've ever seen and this just proves how FUCKING DUMB her fans and pit bull lovers are...
Why the hell did they even allow this woman to interview without researching her real thoughts and facts on the breed? THEY'RE JUST AS IDIOTIC!
You all don't get it do you?!?...
Think of it like the Orcs in Lord of the Rings. The Orcs were once noble and kind Elves who were transformed through torture and disfigurement.
Pit Breeders are pumping out Nanny Dogs but there is a Top Secret Pit-Orc Facility transforming them into the Beasts that have killed 255 Americans and mauled thousands.
Selection via Dog fighting has nothing to do with this!
Nice fantasy Anon 2:42 AM.
Actually, this is pretty textbook with regards to pit bull advocacy. If you looked at all the major pit bull advocay groups, like Bad Rap, Realpitbull, etc., they have all changed their message with regard to the origins and purpose of the dogs over the past few years. Even Bad Rap, years ago, was much more honest and forthcoming about the problems of dog aggression in the breed. But the message has slowly evolved in response to what potential donors want to hear....that the dogs are simply victims of abuse, and need to be "forced" to attack other animals. Once pit advocates became dependent of their rescue efforts as a source of income, they had to start honing their message in order to bring in donations.
These rescues now rely on a consistent PR campaign that paints pit bulls as something they are not. If one organization tells the truth...that there is a genetic propensity for aggression, and that current breeding practices have resulted in many dangerous, unstable dogs, then that rescue will be villified for not "supporting" the breed, and their donations will dry up. You will notice that they all read from the same playbook now.
All non-profit rescue organizations whose members/workers are taking home a salary are very motivated to to keep the donations coming in. Personally, the rescue groups that I support are small, breed specific, or all breed local groups who use a system of volunteers/fosters. If run by mature, emotionally healthy adults, these types of rescue groups will do a much better job helping animals, and will not spend large amounts of time and money on unadoptable, aggressive animals.They have no financial incentive to lie about the nature of a particular dog or breed, and they don't waste time and money on PR campaigns. All of the money donated goes to the animals, not to supporting the "rescuers".
I am surprised more people don't understand this.
I completely agree - when people start making nice salaries off of charitable donations - they get focused on the donations and not on the charity.
This mirrors what Donna did in 2009 at bad rap. I wonder if this has to do with a developing connection to Best Friends via Roni the real estate agent. She was handed a copy of Delise's book and told, you want the money, say they were farm dogs.
They lie!
Anti pitbull radicals!!!
thats worst then a pit nutter,
leave it to you guys to drag peoples name thru the dirt,theres other ways of making yourself happy. Whats going on with that woman does not have anything to do with you, DO YOU LIVE THERE?
For one I don't own a pitbull nor it is not my style of dogs, too hyper. you guys really should get jobs.
"Anti pitbull radicals!!!
thats worst then a pit nutter,
leave it to you guys to drag peoples name thru the dirt,theres other ways of making yourself happy. Whats going on with that woman does not have anything to do with you, DO YOU LIVE THERE?
For one I don't own a pitbull nor it is not my style of dogs, too hyper. you guys really should get jobs"
Your statement in a way, contradicts itself. Those nutters and advocates do not live their either, so judging by your comment, they wouldn't nor shouldn't be talking. But hey, atleast we're not threatening people's lives.
These blogs about Tia would've never happened if pit nutters and advocates didn't threaten Merle Carnes life(main). They went TOO far this time. When you begin to threaten people's lives over a bunch of dogs, and one womans choices, you have gone too far. Fact still remains, Tia could've found another place to live if this were truly about the dogs. This is basically a "screw you" to the residents of Tehachapi, because as I said before, had she honestly cared, she would've just found another place.
It isn't fair that Tehachapi be forced and bullied into taking her, her parolees and the dogs. She has changed her story about the number of dogs more than a couple of times, so how can we know she is even telling the truth about many dogs she truly has ?
What bothers me the absolute most, is she honestly believes that if she can get her followers to bully them and harass Tehachapi residents, they will allow her to move in.
They don't understand that if they move in, the residents of Tehachapi who own properties, the value will decrease massively. I don't understand how hard it is to explain that. Tia uses the tired old "This is America" speech, just to get her way as well.
How many of Tia's dogs escaped and attacked a person? doesnt it seem like she is RESPONSIBLE?
Anyone noticed the death grip Tia has on that dog. Any other "lap" dog would gladly stay in one's lap without being held so tightly.
Anon:59 Do you think that Tia would report her dogs escaping or attacking? Since she runs the compound like a Nazi death camp, anyone that gets hurt would be her people and she would take care of it so that it doesn't get out to the public. If she were responsible she would understand the neighbors and try to "educate" them rather than depend on her bully buddies to make death threats. Have a suggestion, let's send her and the gang to your neighborhood.
here is donna reynold's rendition of liar liar pants on fire. it is popular among pit nutters.
She is not responsible...
If you would read the other posts about Tia this would be common sense to you.
Also, did I mention that she had two to three dogs almost escape her compound because she chose to put faith into a bunch of incompetent parolees?
If she were responsible she would not have hired parolees who constantly break their terms. She would have hired average people.
If she were more responsible she would not blatantly LIE about the purpose of the pit bull and its nature.
If she were responsible she wouldn't have tried to adopt out THREE PIT BULLS WHO ATTACKED A TEENAGER. (including Otis)
She is far beyond responsible....
Anon 8:18,
By your logic, we should all keep silent about human rights abuses in North Korea. What you wrote is a textbook of example of someone starting with a conclusion and then trying to rationalize it.
also anon 8:18, no one believes that you do not own a pit bull.
Just shows how truly your fucked in the head, I have a GSD, 3 year old female. nice try though keep thinking you know everything, see how far that gets you in life, hangon guys I have to get back to my JOB.
What about the lies she was quoted in the OM magazine article, talking about AJ and the three strikes thing?
She flat out lies and claimed that AJ's first two arrests were for minor things, not violent offences.
This woman lies endlessly.
Why would anyone anywhere trust her?
Weren't his two arrests for ID theft and trying to shoot a cop? I don't know a whole lot about AJ, but that seems likely.
The main issue I have with this whole thing is not only the blatant lie that she told on National Television, but that a channel that is dedicated to education on animals would do nothing to stop Tia's lying. But then again that would cause them to loose money.
My problem With Animal Planet now is that they have shows like Fatal Attractions that document reckless and normally pathetic owners of dangerous animals, and strongly emphasize the inherent danger within that animal either for domestic or outside reasons.
Hell, even Tigers have less issues (due to population reasons) than pit bulls do! If I am not mistaken, tigers have only caused 9 fatalities in the past 10 years while pit bulls cause about 16-20 EACH YEAR.
Animal Planet has no problem educating people on the dangers of wild animals. They have no problem educating people in the inherently bred traits of other breeds of dogs and how they were bred for an instinctual personality and task.
Why are pit bull exempt from this?
Why are they allowing a morally corrupt woman to spread morally and factually corrupt information?
Oh yes, money.....
Attention: Kern County
You can not take Tia Torres at her word. She will say whatever she needs to, whenever she needs to, to get her way.
Again, where are all her creepy little thugs that were so up in arms days ago? Do they really have such short attention spans, or is it that even they can see that there's nothing they can defend here? It must suck to be that stupid and gullible.
>>>>>>>Again, where are all her creepy little thugs that were so up in arms days ago? Do they really have such short attention spans, or is it that even they can see that there's nothing they can defend here? It must suck to be that stupid and gullible.
The majority have realized that you people are like gnats to an elephant. You make a little bit of buzzing noise but are of no consequence.
Laughing, we'll see who is a gnat tomorrow, won't we? Then who will be laughing.
"The majority have realized..."
Correction: the majority have been directed to stay away. But then there is the minority like you who have zero self control and just can't keep away or quiet despite the orders from your Führer.
Oh, is that what it is? Her little campaign of attempted intimidation of Craven backfired and got the blog high up in internet searches? No wonder she wants them to stay away. With all the evidence being presented and the exposure of her constant, pathological lying and tax cheating, she'll be lucky if she doesn't join her POS husband behind bars before all is said and done.
I think Tia realized a little too late that her actions to deter Craven did more harm than good. Despite that however, her idiocy and pathological lying still runs rampant as she continues to blatantly lie about her ongoings in her "sanctuary" as well as the purpose of the pit bull.
I'm sure Tia goons are too idiotic to conclude on their own that their actions were causing more of a problem for their cause than not. So it seems more probable that Tia did a cease order and the goons mindlessly adhered to it. I do not see over 300 commenters that were anti-Tia muckraking suddenly having the capacity to realize it would better for them to shut up.
What I love is the obviously contradictory information she's provided on her website and what she's providing on this news reel. It is amazingly irresponsible, hypocritical, and shows that she will blatantly lie to try and save face.
Her logic doesn't even begin to make sense, even in the most basic forms! She claims they were farm dogs and this is not true.... Bulldogs were bred for baiting, terriers were bred to kill swiftly, the lineage of the pit bull derives from two breeds that were commonly used for blood sport or the eradication of vermin. The terrier was a farm dog, the bulldog was NOT.
The only use a farm dog has is for two things, vermin control (terriers) and herding (collies, shepards, heelers, corgis). It would make sense that terriers would stay small, smart, and energetic to ensure the capture of small, smart, and fast vermin like rats and rabbits. It would make sense that herding dogs would be bigger to intimidate possible predators (but rarely fight), and be at eye level with creatures like goats and sheep as well as take swift adherence to an owner's whistling commands.
A bulldog did not have to be smart for its task. It just had to lock on and hold. Any intelligent dog (or creature for that matter) would not do this. It would judge its capacity to take down an animal and if it could not or got a good knock, would turn tail.
If pit bulls were meant to be farm dogs they would not dumb down its capacity for common sense and ability to adhere to commands by breeding it with a bulldog. ESPECIALLY since the bulldog was bred to take down large livestock animals (bovine, horses) it would contradict the very purpose of a farm dog which is to PROTECT livestock.
And if her assertions were true, then where's the imagery (1840's-1950's) depicting the pit bull as a farm dog? It is amazing that Bernard are depicted as rescue dogs (their intended purpose), terriers as ratters (intended purpose), bulldogs as baiters (intended purpose) and pit bulls as fighters (intended purpose).
Either she is mentally decrepit or desperate.
"Would the popularity of the show translate to economic benefit for Tehachapi if Villalobos Rescue Center relocates to Old West Ranch?"
I do not think it would... Tia already has a lot of left over money that is NOT going to the dogs. And it is apparent that it is not going to the dogs because she keeps BEGGING FOR MORE MONEY. If Tia is not willing to give 100% of the proceeds from shirt sales to the dogs (due to above reason and Digger's math in a different post) then it would be logical to presume that she would not give a whole lot of money to the residents....
"Fischman told those present at the meeting that the filming of “Pit Bulls and Parolees” will bring cash to the community."
This is also problematic. I read somewhere else that Tehachapi already had a pit bull problem. It would be idiotic for them to bring in over 100 more pit bulls in a condensed area and have parolees who've had numerous bad offenses within the compound into their living area. In my honest open, it would be worse for the economy. When people with criminal records start moving in, it is a general rule that it eventually drives the more decent (in terms of morals, not finance) out of the area because they don't want to deal with needless bullshit that I can assure will most likely accumulate. And it is common knowledge that rural places are great for getting away with crimes such as theft, murder, drugs, hoarding, and other offenses.
"And it is common knowledge that rural places are great for getting away with crimes such as theft, murder, drugs, hoarding, and other offenses."
away from the prying eyes of neighbors and law enforcement.
PP>>>>>>Laughing, we'll see who is a gnat tomorrow, won't we? Then who will be laughing.
Check this out. I suppose you just can't win 'em all.
^^^ Anon 9:40 ^^^
Your victory is only a victory due to your method which is sadly - successful, and that is lying, bribery, and intimidation.
This is nothing to be proud of... it is like cheating in a race. Spreading lies and misinformation is CHEATING AND DECEITFUL.
So the point your were trying to make here seems a bit moot. If the pit bull apologia could win a debate with out resorting to mythology and lies, then it would be considered more of an honorable win or truth instead of a desperate attempt to get what you want, when you want it. Like an ignorant, spoiled child.
And I can assure you that thanks to this law, ignorant owners will be bringing in their pibbles ad the severe bite and maul record as well as pit bull exploitation will inherently increase.
This "victory" is nothing to be proud of. I assure you.
>>>>>>>>Your victory is only a victory due to your method which is sadly - successful, and that is lying, bribery, and intimidation.
PBAL;C....Are you doing drugs? Why would you say people are lying? I'm not going to repeat the article as I can read and I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and guess that you can as well. Maybe comprehension is not your thing, I don't know.
BSL is illegal in Ok. All the lower courts said it was and the Supreme court refused to hear the case. Nothing to lie about.
This has simply boiled down to the city being bone headed abut things and it's going to cost them.
midwest okie:
The lying, bribery and intimidation is the general pit bull advocate tactics, not a description of the specifics of the supreme court deciding not to hear the case in OK.
The lying is along the lines of: "pit bulls are just like any other dog;" "responsible pit bull owners all have break sticks;" "its all how you raise them;" "its not all how you raise them because fighting dogs can be rehabilitated;" "its irresponsible owners;" "its the victims fault;" "the media always gets it wrong except for that time they reported a pit bull that saves 100 kittens from a pack of wolves."
You know what I'm talking about. If you don't, just open your mouth and say something, then you'll see.
Midwest Okie
It is obvious that Tia along with the rest of the pit bull advocacy has a lot to lie about.
And it is apparent that most of their arguments or facts are misleading or blatant lies seeing how easily many of their points can be defeated.
The nanny dog myth is a lie, the ATTS is a lie. Pit bulls being popular pets in the lie is almost likely a lie. The list can go on and on and on...
Farms dogs is another lie...Bennett, Colby and McCord imported fighting dogs from Ireland and England then rebranded them as "American"
The dogs are about as "American" as blood pudding.
>>>>>>The nanny dog myth is a lie, the ATTS is a lie. Pit bulls being popular pets in the lie is almost likely a lie. The list can go on and on and on...
That has dick to do with constitutionality.
The question I had was for the person that said this crap.
>>>>>>>Your victory is only a victory due to your method which is sadly - successful, and that is lying, bribery, and intimidation.
I want to know what the plaintiffs in Midwest City OK. lied about?
Just how slow are you?
midwest okie:
The lying, bribery and intimidation is the general pit bull advocate tactics, not a description of the specifics of the supreme court deciding not to hear the case in OK.
The lying is along the lines of: "pit bulls are just like any other dog;" "responsible pit bull owners all have break sticks;" "its all how you raise them;" "its not all how you raise them because fighting dogs can be rehabilitated;" "its irresponsible owners;" "its the victims fault;" "the media always gets it wrong except for that time they reported a pit bull that saves 100 kittens from a pack of wolves."
You know what I'm talking about. If you don't, just open your mouth and say something, then you'll see.
You're being willfully stupid.
"This has simply boiled down to the city being bone headed abut things and it's going to cost them. '
No, it will cost you, babykiller pit nutter.
Set a foot wrong and you and your friends will be jailed, sued, and lose everything you have, including your fighting dog operations.
There are many ways to get rid of canine rats.
>>>>>>The lying is along the lines of: "pit bulls are just like any other dog;" "responsible pit bull owners all have break sticks;" "its all how you raise them;" "its not all how you raise them because fighting dogs can be rehabilitated;" "its irresponsible owners;" "its the victims fault;" "the media always gets it wrong except for that time they reported a pit bull that saves 100 kittens from a pack of wolves."
There again this has exactly dick to do with constitutionality. I don't think I'm the one that is a little slow on the uptake. This is the reason you fuckers lost this one. No clue what the question is.
>>>>>No, it will cost you, babykiller pit nutter.
Set a foot wrong and you and your friends will be jailed, sued, and lose everything you have, including your fighting dog operations.
There are many ways to get rid of canine rats.
Now this is a butt hurt response if I've ever heard one. Typical loser mentality. :(
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