i am not sure where this shit bull attacked the other dog but at least the police gave it a proper dirt nap.

03.15.11 highland, california Lucky was attacked by a shit bull while in the care of 46 yr old humane society volunteer FRANCINE M LUCAS. the pit nutter failed to seek medical care for the little dog whose leg was so badly injured, he chewed off the injured portion. a san bernadino humane officer also found Lucky did not have adequate food or shelter. FRANCINE LUCAS pled guilty to felony animal cruelty and will be sentenced to jail and 3 years probation. FRANCINE LUCAS has also been removed from the foster parent list.
Lucky had the rest of his leg amputated and has been adopted.
and in other dogs and cats needing to be rescued from the rescuers news:
on monday, authorities seized almost 400 dogs from a "sanctuary" in hilliard, ohio then on tuesday, 195 dogs and cats were rescued from the ST FRANCOIS SOCIETY in bonne terre, missouri. no kill at its finest.

Shelby (i'd like to adopt this dog so she never fears a shit bull again)
03.15.11 st louis, missouri Shelby was in the county pound. She was caged with a young pit bull. (WTF is wrong with these shelter idiots?!) The pit bull mauled her before the pound workers could intervene. They had to shoot the pit bull to get him off Shelby. (hey, why didn't the evil biased media carry this in 187 different newpapers?) Shelby's leg was almost torn off, and she needed surgery and a long rehabilitation period. Shelby is now completely recovered, and we don't even see her limping. We think she's 8 to 10 months old. She gets along well with people and other animals, but does not like to be cornered. gee, i can't fucking imagine why!

03.11.11 manteca, california this hideous mutant was declared dangerous "multiple times" in contra costa county before moving to manteca and savagely killing a 15 yr old beagle/terrier mix named Dude. the old dog was snoozing in the driveway when this shit bull snuck up and grabbed him. he ran off with Dude and was caught a block and half away. this freak of nature jumped out of a second story window just minutes before killing the little dog. i am sure he could smell his beagle snack from quite a distance.
03.07.11 kinston, north carolina a rottweiler/german shepherd mix was attacked in his own back yard by the neighbor's pit bulls. the nutter offered to pay the vet bills, so they are not pursuing charges. Greg Smith, i hope you don't live to regret that, more importantly, i hope no one dies because you wanted to be a nice forgiving neighbor.
03.10.11 des moines, iowa Tom Weinman took his Basenji Emily for a walk and ran into stray shit bull. Emily was saved by her winter jacket.
03.11.11 austin, texas My neighbor had her thug friend over with a pitbull in her back yard and when I let my chihuahuas outside in MY yard they started sniffing the fence. My little baby girl chihuahua was dragged under the fence by the pitbull, and BRUTALLY murdered. I couldn't break the fence down in time to save her. She was still breathing with her insides exposed. It was the most horrific site I ever had to see. I miss her so much. She was a member of the family, and now she is gone because thug owners want to make these dogs even more aggressive than they already are. My wife and I are currently looking for a lawyer to sue. This literally was like seeing our child mauled to death, as we have no children, and consider our pups our children. Her name was Sweets because she was just that sweet. Very very very sweet. She deserved better than this and now her ashes are in a box in our living room.
03.11.11 orlando, florida a pit bull and 2 pit/lab mixes killed 2 cats and a dog. the pit nutter is MICHAEL HUTTER and he received $1785 in citations. animal control may file to have them classified as dangerous dogs.
03.11.11 juanita township, pennsylvania 19 yr old HARRY LOGSDON'S pit bull got loose and menaced Delores Steffey and her dog. her husband shot it. 21 yr old ROBERT SWEENEY (the nutter's brother) went to the Steffeys to ask about their mutant and claims that Steffey pointed a gun at him and ordered him off of the property. both men have been charged.
03.12.11 pueblo, colorado two shit bulls dug under the fence to attack the neighbor's pregnant pit bull. both pit nutters have been ticketed for registration violation.
03.12.11 ashtabula, ohio police were called when two shit bulls attacked a husky. one shit bull was shot and the other ran off before the cop could squeeze off another round. the unnamed nutters were found and will be charged for violating the city's pit bull ban.
03.12.11 internet chatter I had my six year old four pound Chihuahua, my eight pound Jack Russell Terrier, and a five and a half pound Toy Poodle out in my front yard, all leashed when two Pit Bulls came in to my yard and automatically started attacking my three small dogs. I proceeded to kick them in the head and face but they wouldn't let go, i started screaming and a neighbor came out and helped me free my dogs from these savage dogs. My neighbor and i ended up killing one of the dogs and severely injuring the other. My three dogs were killed within seconds by these vicious Pit Bulls. I called animal control and the two dogs were taken by them, now the owner of the two dogs is threatening to take my neighbor and i to court for killing her dogs and threatening our lives because i'm trying to get this vicious breed banned from our city... What can i do about this situation?
03.12.11 UK I am in the UK. The chap who lives in the flat above me has a dog I have been told is a pit bull / Lab cross.
The flats are tiny 1 bedroom flats I think the flats are to small to keep a knee high, very powerful dog in.
The poor animal very rarely get any exercise, and when it does it goes wild.
On Sunday last this dog was being walked by a visitor. Not the normal keeper. Unaware of how aggressive the dog is, the lad walking it is a lot smaller than the owner, I believe he was surprised by its power and not in control when the dog lunged into my garden and caught my 5 year old cat. The cat had no chance and was dead within seconds. There were 8 witnesses to the incident.
I have had problems with the owner and his visitors goading the dog toward my and other local cats, it has also damaged a little Yorkshire terrier. Up to now we have not told the authorities hoping after a chat about muzzling / neutering etc the matter would sort itself out. It did not
The owner is an idiot, literally! He is barely literate. He is a drug user and has convictions for drugs, and drug related violence and thieving.
rip Corona
03.12.11 dover, ohio 9 wk old Corona was savaged in her front yard by a loose pit bull. two of her legs were broken, she underwent 3 hours of surgery. she was euthanized 9 days later. the frankenmauler was finally caught and received a dirt nap.
03.13.11 yuma, arizona 10 lb Heidi became the latest pit bull victim in arizona. Heidi was savaged by the neighbors' 5 pit bulls as she trotted out to greet her master in the driveway (private property). Heidi's owner called but did not follow through with a complaint when she was told that she would cited for not having her dog leashed in her own yard. that's one massively fucked up state you all have there.
"These pit bulls were not raised to be fighters. They are owned by breeders who say they will be getting rid of all of them and vow never to own pit bulls again. They have young children and now fear for their safety." Kim Underhill
21 yr aspiring rapper and tattooed criminal punk DAINE GOODEN and ROCCO
03.13.11 UK GOODEN broke into tears when the judge ordered a dirt nap for ROCCO for breaking the back of the nanny dog. this idiot tied ROCCO out on a busy street without a muzzle and proceeded to go about shopping. when he returned, he found his mutant attacking the nanny dog. he was unable to break it off. two more people provided assistance. GOODEN and ROCCO fled before the police arrived. GOODEN'S shyster lawyer said the mutant was muzzled but it "slipped off" and ROCCO was not a threat to people but was wary with other animals because it was attacked as a puppy. the shyster lawyer then blamed the nanny dog for provoking the attack by growling, ie ROCCO FINISHED THE FIGHT.
the 21 yr old punk's previous criminal history consists of assaulting a cop and drug charges. hopefully, his career will never get off of the ground. he also goes by: TRIZZY TRO and IMFATAL100
03.14.11 rochester, new york a pair of shit bulls is dead. the two got into a fight, nutter called police, shit bulls charged an officer who shot and killed one. the other shit bull had to be euthanized because of injuries. Charles Darwin would not approve of this breed of dog.
rip Oreo
03.14.11 decatur, georgia 7 yr old Oreo was savaged by a shit mix while on a walk with his 84 yr old owner. Oreo was later euthanized because of the severity of injuries. his owner was also bitten. ac is "investigating" whether or not the leash law was violated, DUH! and may cite the owner after the 10 day quarantine.
"Its broken my heart. That dog was so much a part of my life, what can I say?" Joe Giordano
03.16.11 omaha, nebraska 3 dogs belonging to this freaky idiot attacked a schnauzer that was chained in the yard. the 3 dogs (JOJO, ICEY and KILL) ripped the schnauzer off of his chain and took him into the street. when people (including a cop) came to the little dog's aid, the cane corso began to chase them. police shot/killed the cane corso, that's when GOODWIN grabbed a hold of the other two mutants and tried to flee. both pit/lab mixes have been seized by ac and will most likely get dirt naps after 10 days. the schnauzer is alive. GOODWIN claims it bit him when he tried to break up the fight. GOOD! the cane corso and possibly one of the shit mixes belonged to his friend and roommate, felon WILLIE A WINSLEY.
GOODWIN was charged with no restraint, dangerous dogs and disorderly conduct and is looking at 6 months jail plus $500 for each count. hopefully this fucktard will get the max sentence as he is well known to animal control. just last week his pit/lab lunged at another dog in the park.
Toodie the schnauzer and the death row shit bulls
K9 Damian
03.16.11 des moines, iowa Damian was attacked by a shit bull while searching for robbery suspects. his handler fell trying to separate the dogs and another cop tased it. the tan colored mutant ran off with a taser barb still stuck in it.
Ryleigh Sills
03.16.11 west palm beach, florida 18 month old Ryleigh suffered a collapsed lung and broken ribs after the family shit bull, 5 yr old STORMY attacked her and her father.
the owner of the pit bull (the mother's boyfriend and NOT the biological father) TIM KELLY surrendered it to AC. STORMY and his border collie housemate GIZMO were declared potentially dangerous 2 months ago after they attacked the neighbor's dog. RYleigh's grandmother became very concerned about her grandchild after that. but of course the dog aggression is not human aggression mantra overruled common sense. AC director DIANNE SUAVE gave the old "set 'em up to fail" and the "loser is the dog" spiel. i am pretty sure that Ryleigh and the neighbor dog are the ultimate losers and victims here. i don't know how she sleeps at night spewing this insensitive shit.
and here is the great mutato. they are calling this thing a "pit bull german shepherd mix". if this is part GSD, then the shit bull DNA must have consumed the GSD DNA while in the embryo stage.
KATHRYN AYALA (not sure which of these two is the nutter)
03.17.11 lawrence, massachusetts animal control found AYALA'S mutant pit bull attacking a boxer in the street. Scooby, the boxer was being walked by a 15 yr old girl. AC seized the dog and stated there had been 2 other "similar incidents recently".
pit nutter - he looks like a good candidate for agua dulce
03.17.11 tucson, arizona 3 frankenmaulers dug their way into a goat pen and killed 32 of the 40 goats, injuring the others. many of the goats were pregnant. video surveillance caught the 2 hour all you can eat contest on tape. when the owner of the goats arrived, the black pit bull climbed out of an 8 ft fence. he managed to kill one of the mutants. the killers lived a half a mile away. police wrote the pit nutter 85 citations. the neighbors are breathing a sigh of relief, they say the shit bulls have been terrorizing the neighborhood.
"They're pit bulls what do you want me to do?" unnamed pit nutter.
BRANDON SEIFURT (i can find no record of this name in the united states)
03.17.11 fort worth, texas SEIFURT'S 4 mutants saw Nancy Melenbacher's beagle pup, PT and decided it was snack time. they busted through the window screen and launched an attack. another woman heard Nancy's cries for help and the two of them fought off the pit bulls enough so that PT could escape under a car. by this time the pit nutter moseyed out and collected his ugly dogs. Nancy was also bitten. SEIFURT claims his mutants have had their rabies vaccines but couldn't prove it. SEIFURT is looking at thousands of dollars in fines. i'll believe it when i see it.
03.17.11 waterloo, iowa two shit bulls escaped a yard and attacked a labrador being walked by a woman pushing a baby stroller.
03.17.11 center point, iowa Ruby Vandaver and her daughter were walking their lab when a shit bull bolted out of a car window and attacked. neighbors came to their aid, thankfully one of them came with a licensed "break stick". he shot the mutant in the head and it finally released the lab with its "just a dog" jaws. it was euthanized. now the city is talking about a shit bull ban.
03.17.11 lake worth, florida Darwin struck again this week. two women were sent to the hospital after their own shit bull attacked. ANGEL FRYE picked up a pit bull puppy that had strayed and returned it to mommy wiggle butt. daddy wiggle butt didn't like that for whatever reason (maybe the earthquake & tsunami in japan) and attacked her. one of the other people living in the single wide came to her aid and was bitten too. DEBRA GLASER has been treated and released but ANGEL FRYE suffered "bites all over her body" and is missing chunks of flesh. GLASER said the room was covered in blood, just like in horror movies. head AC pit nutter DIANE SUAVE showed up again to talk about how we set dogs up to fail - classic nutter speak. she seems to think that the cramped living conditions triggered the wiggle butt. obtw, ANGEL'S common law husband turned over BOTH dogs AND the puppies!
manteca, california remember Dude, the beagle mix above that was killed by the pit bull who jumped out a second story window and was previously declared dangerous in another city? well, the owners of the beagle found a little dog sleeping on their porch and have adopted him and the pit nutter hired an attorney to get his dog back.
shrewsbury, massachusettes the O'CONNORS' battle to save the life of mutant DUGG continues to drag through the court.
attacks the media NEVER reports
immokalee, florida a german shepherd killed a bloodhound.
Whitney Nicole Marks and Rolland Wayne Halsey
03.17.11 prineville, oregon busted during a traffic stop for meth, drug packaging materials, cash and stolen property. their "large stocky dog with pit bull characteristics" was shot and killed when it tried to attack the cops.
woodbine, new jersey state police shot a pit bull while raiding a home for drugs. it was later euthanized and 38 yr old DAMIAN FASHAW was charged with drug distribution.
st petersburg, florida a cop shot and killed an aggressive pit bull. of interest to cry baby nutters: the cop is also a pit bull owner.
fontana, california a 911 call in about a vicious shit bull mix. when the cop arrived, it tried to attack him. he shot it.
Darwin strikes again!
ecorse, michigan LE hasn't been enforcing their shit bull ban but that's about to change thanks to the march 2nd Darwin Attack. a wiggle butt went berserk on its elderly nutters when they tried to tend to its injury. it took a hatchet and 3 rounds to stop the blue nosed shit bull. so much for man biters were culled because they had to be handled in the pit. LOL!!
Police Lt Stephen Salas said " We believe pit bulls are dangerous and can be used as weapons." while local nutters, like PAUL SIENKIEWICZ, the st clairs shore badboy said they will continue to defy the ban.
and finally, the REAL threat to shit bulls
pit nutters call me a HATER and say i am trying to kill their mutants. but the pit bull's worst enemy isn't haters, it's NUTTERS! and they look an awful lot like the crud that TIA TORRES surrounds herself with.
new zealand this pit bull owner beat his dog to death with a golf club.
new york woops. looks like oreo's tormentor has already violated probation! this thug was sentenced to 5 years probation for throwing his pit bull off a rooftop. HENDERSON, ANTHONY WALKER and a third unnamed thug beat and robbed a man. HENDERSON is charged with 3 misdemeanors and 3 felonies (attempted robbery, attempted assault, attempted larceny).
note FABIAN has changed his name to FABIEN.
north carolina HARGROVE admitted to selling, delivering, possessing, training and transporting animals for the purposes of the animals participating in an animal fighting venture. a search of his property unveiled a slat mill, a spring pole, vet supplies AND a bloody pit, along with dead and living pit fighters and a battery & jumper cables to electrocute the curs. 34 of the 35 fighting dogs were euthanized due to injuries and aggression.
i threw in a felon and a looney parasite this week for the heck of it.
cassopolis, michigan 44 yr old LEDDREW RENARD SMITH was found guilty of the violent shit bull attack on a 20 yr old female. she apparently lost part of her face while SMITH might lose 90 days of his freedom and $500. this puny misdemeanor will do nothing to improve his criminal record of weapons & drugs.
GUILTY! yeah, that ought to set things right!
youngstown, ohio 49 yr old ROSE HELMICK'S mutants escaped their yard and attacked 19 yr old Brian Geiger as he was getting his mail. Dog Warden Dave Nelson said this was one of 16 vicious dog calls that day. tax cheating HELMICK has half a dozen judgements against her over the years:
good luck collecting medical bills Brian!
Pulitzer Prize winning quality...
BTW.... The HSUS estimates that US Dogmen Kill over 250,000 Pits annually(about 5000 per week). Any minute, Best Friends, AFF & BAD RAP will be throwing the full weight of their tax-free multi-$Million empires at going after them....
"Please, somebody come shoot this dog. Please hurry."
Funny how when they're the ones under attack, this is all you ever hear the nutters scream. Pity law enforcement hurried out to that call, given they were in violation of a ban by having the ugly mutant to begin with. Frankly, I think if a pit nutter violates a ban and gets attacked by its own dog, no tax paid service should be dispatched to help them. They don't give a shit they're putting other people in danger. Let them deal with their own mess. Come shoot the dog after the blood is dry.
I always need a stiff drink on Fridays after reading the roundup. J-E-S-U-S !
Shit bulls that have tasted the hand that feeds them should be rehomed as often as possible.
A comment from the story about the rescue: "ST FRANCOIS SOCIETY in bonne terre, missouri"
"this isn't a breeder. this is a supposed "rescue" farm. i tried to get one of their dogs once, they were too strict and nosy. i bought one from a breeder instead, and for less money!"
Sick animals with unknown breeding and backgrounds, sold from a resuce for more money than purebred pups with first shots, vet check and health warranty.
Can I rest my case yet?
JUNIATA Township, not "Jaunita"
LOL dipshit 10:24 PM anon. That's right. Focus on a typo rather than the horrific maulings and deaths this week. You shit nutters are all alike. You avoid the obvious and the truth like the plague.
You forgot to mention the 2 Bullmastiffs that killled a eldery woman on tuesday, go figure right?
I am going to start posting other breed attacks, you'll be surprised how many there is.
i misspelled it juanita, not "Jaunita"
Anon 8:20
First, bullmastiffs are gripping dogs so proving the point against the gripping breeds, thank you.
"I am going to start posting other breed attacks, you'll be surprised how many there is."
How are you going to find all these very many attacks by other breeds? Could it be by looking at news reports? Could it be that you will be looking at the very same news outlets nutters claim don't publish attacks by other breeds of dogs?
Go figure, right?
anon 8:20,
for the umpteenth time, i do NOT track human attacks on craven desires. there are others doing this, please seek them out, post them in the comments here or start a blog.
but i would like to see the link to the bullmastiff fatality. i haven't heard about it. i know a 19 yr old male was seriously mauled in the UK by 2 bullmastiffs last week. the wimpy ass cops over there called in a zoo keeper to shoot them with an overdose of tranquilizers. what is their aversion to guns over there?
ps did you know that bullmastiffs are 40% gripping dog?
haha! you beat me to it eek!
lol, Kory, now I'm really laughing. Read my comment again, CAREFULLY.
"I am going to start posting other breed attacks, you'll be surprised how many there is."
Next time, try, "how many there ARE."
This reminds me of a newspaper comment where the nutter claimed to be a "collage" graduate with their own "successfull buiesness."
I wonder what "collage" that was. And for their business? Let me guess... pit bull breeder?
Pit bull advocates have shovels for mouths. The more they talk, the deeper the hole.
I don't think many people would advocate bull mastiffs as a particularly safe breed. Pit bulls are worse though. Start showing tons of reports of dog breeds deemed relatively safe by the court of public opinion, and I'll be impressed. Public opinion is not always a good indicator for things, but humans have a lot of experience with dogs. The breeds generally worried about tend to be the ones at the top of the list in terms of fatalities. These things are pretty obvious, so the wisdom of crowds thing seems to apply. People generally don't like spiders very much. Could it be because we've figured out that they are all venomous to some degree? Must be some media conspiracy I'm sure.
What's freaking hysterical is how nutters use their poor decision making skills to feel superior to others. It is like a cult in that they can claim "special knowledge". Whenever something negative about pit bulls comes out the nutters can insist upon everyone's ignorance and post some "facts" that are actually total BS. The more rational among us disagreeing with them just proves to them how much more educated they are than anyone else on this subject. My opinion on this phenomenon is based upon conversing with a range of nutters. I am impressed by people's intellectual powers on a daily basis. I am open to that experience. However, almost every pit bull advocate I've encountered is a dull bulb. They love pit bulls though and have their "education" sites. Finally, they have something they know about that most other people don't! It makes them very proud and almost makes up for all those poor grades they received in school. Look up FUZupf for a prime example of this at work.
Craven, I'm guessing the video at the top of the frankenmauler roundup was shot in Brazil, which I'm thinking is the same place Justice T Mule resides.
Looks like we could learn a few things from them on how to handle aggressive mutant fighting dogs.
This undercurrent of bickering among undifferentiated anonymous users might prove to be a distraction from the real purpose of the blog. It's certainly dissipating energy along unproductive lines.
Not that they don't all have their story - I'm just not sure this is the proper venue for their feuds.
@anon 11:02 -
Interesting. I would have guessed craven to be a male - but then again, that was based on very little if any relevant info.
At any rate, all the good info presented here week after week is independent of matters of gender.
Pit owners are always looking for a demon to focus on, yet they worship demons like Colby, Bennett, Al White, etc...
One day they may snap out of it.
i am sorry i had to delete two comments. i don't allow kory's full name. you can resubmit the comments but i would rather you didn't. the longer it takes, the more fun i will have with it.
you can email me and i will explain.
wow Craven, you're such a creep.
get a life already
P.S. I love how you deleted my whole comment instead of just editing out Kory [Whoever]'s name.
(I'm not sure why you wouldn't let his name be posted though. He's a public figure.)
You just don't like hearing from any sensible Pit Bull advocate, do you? And I'm not going to email you... I think you're a piece of shit and I'm not going to waste any more time commenting here. You're insane and so are your little followers. (Go ahead and delete this one too...I don't care.)
So, the "sensible" pit bull advocates have now been heard from - can't imagine what the non-sensible ones might say.
Yes, please put the 'sensible' pit bull comment back up.
I guarantee that every one of the owners of the dogs in this week's roundup also considered themselves to be "sensible" pit bull owners with "gentle" pit bulls that would "only lick something to death" right up until the moment their dogs were actually locked on.
At that point, of course, belief in their dogs inherently gentle nature would have been replaced, if only momentarily, with a strong sense of pride and wonder - "lookit that dog fight, whoa that's one tough dog, ain't no dog ever gonna a-top my dog, atta boy, you git 'im boy"....
Anon 11:02 said
"At that point, of course, belief in their dogs inherently gentle nature would have been replaced, if only momentarily, with a strong sense of pride and wonder - "lookit that dog fight, whoa that's one tough dog, ain't no dog ever gonna a-top my dog, atta boy, you git 'im boy"..."
So, the fighting prowess of the mutant evokes their admiration, I see. Well well well. I suppose I'll just have to bring my pet hyena around to see their little wiggle butt, and then we'll see who they admire.
anon 9:39, i didn't delete your comment. it landed in spam, where it still sits. i didn't even realize it was there until i saw your comment at 9:39. i still haven't gotten used to the need for checking the spam comment filter.
a little blogger 101, i can not edit comments. i can publish them or reject them, there is no in between. so here it is copied/pasted with the last name deleted.
"Well, I guess I stand corrected. I had my doubts that this blog was written by Kory even though that's what some people had said. I figured an attorney of his caliber wouldn't have this much time to waste and such a foul mouth. I'm curious about where people got that idea though... I'm not "frantically going through the back-posts" to find her name. I really couldn't care less what her name is and I'm not going to spend several hours hunting for it. I'm sorry if the dissenting opinions of anonymous users make these inane comment battles "dissipate the energy along unproductive lines." I forgot about all the productive work you people are doing by uneducatedly bad-mouthing a breed of dog you hardly understand. Why is it that you people can't have a normal discussion? Anytime a Pit Bull advocate has something to say to you lunatics, you always result to name-calling and stereotyping. Oh yeah, that's right, because anybody who thinks Pit Bulls make good pets are IDIOTS and NUTTERS. Every last one of them is some white trash scumbag that has a Pit Bull to look cool. Pit Bulls make amazing pets. You don't have to agree with me and you don't have to like them. I don't like every breed of dog, but it doesn't mean I lump all their owners into some negative stereotype. I just don't see a need for all the hatefulness on this blog. I know you're angry about Pit Bulls killing other people's dogs. I'm angry too. But do you know what I do when I have the chance? I educate people about Pit Bulls in a positive manner. I think it's alot better to fully understand the breed and make informed choices about owning one than it is to just hate them and tell people to avoid them at all costs."
Anon said:
"I know you're angry about Pit Bulls killing other people's dogs. I'm angry too. But do you know what I do when I have the chance? I educate people about Pit Bulls in a positive manner."
It seems that you are the one who needs to be educated about pit bulls. So, when there's yet another horrific pit bull mauling, you're angry? At who? At the dogmen of Stafford, for creating these frankenmaulers? For irresponsible owners, who act as though pit bulls are just like any other dog, and then appear horrified and clueless when the beast does what it was bred for?
By presenting the pit bull as a suitable family pet, you are doing your part in getting people maimed and killed. And you call us hateful when we dare to mention that fact?
Of course, after reading the comments from all sides in some of these threads, I'll admit that nobody has a corner on the rudeness market. But here's an idea: let your decisions be based on logic and facts, and don't just defiantly take a side because your feathers were ruffled by someone with the opposite view.
Actually, several of us are doing productive work, nutter, getting BSL passed in our regions or having the dog laws tightened overall. You pit "advocates" make our work ten times easier by letting your dogs escape and do what their genetic heritage dictates.
They're not just killing other people's pets. They're killing people, too. Some of us have experienced first hand the devastation of a pit attack. That's all the "education" we'll ever need about your trash breed. False education and promoting fighting dogs does NOTHING to improve public safety. So by all means, keep advocating and letting your trash dogs show their true natures. BSL is becoming more widespread every day because of it.
"wow Craven, you're such a creep.
get a life already"
I like that. You're are absolutely correct in your assessment of Craven. Anyone that would run a 5 yr old girl down on their blog is nothing but pure trash. What you did Craven was to verbally molest a 5 yr old girl because she was playing with a pit bull puppy.
Jake....You appear to have a half a brain. I find it very difficult to see you in the context of this hate site. You may have something in common with these people but for gods sake look around you at your comrades in arms. You are better than this.
@Reader -
I see Craven as someone who is telling the truth, which is sometimes not pretty, and sometimes angers people.
Could you point me to where Craven verbally molested a 5 year old girl for playing with a pit bull? I'd like to see it in context.
The sandpaper of life may have rounded me out a bit, but regardless of that, I have to side with Craven on the dangers of pit bulls. 2 of my own kids have been attacked by "family pit bulls", and another one of my kids was walking a small dog which was then attacked by a pit bull who lunged over the fence to try and kill it, you know, like fighting dogs do. Luckily the owner was right there and was able to pull wiggle butt off the little guy before he was killed.
I have talked to competent and responsible pit bull owners, but sadly they are a small minority.
The comment was made on the front page a few months ago. I didn't bookmark it. Just look back and you will find a picture of a young girl playing with a puppy. Look at the comments Craven made.
I understand how you would feel as you do. I found this site through a friend that had a cat killed by a pit bull dog. We checked this site and that was the first post we saw. I don't like bull dogs but the people here are just as trashy or maybe more so than the people they say they don't like. I've continued to read over the months and have not seen any redeeming quality's.
i have been called a pedophile, a creep, a psychopath, a murderer, a dog killer, a pimple on the anus of a mulatto crack whore (my personal favorite) a denver attorney.... they are all amusing, none are true and neither is this comment about "verbally molesting a 5 yr old girl for playing with a pit bull puppy".
i think the anonymous commenter is referring to me posting the image of a little girl practicing the dogman pose with a pit bull puppy at a pit bull show and making a snarky comment about the way she emulating those around her.
Did nutter even look at the link? Those are game dogs. The last picture shows Brynn with her hero very famous dogman Floyd Boudreaux.
I think rescue angel doesn't know the dog man stance.
duh! i just realized that the anonymous commenter who is offended by my comments about the little girl "playing" with the pit puppy doesn't realize that's the dog fighter pose.
jake i agree if you have kids or dogs you have to be concerned about the possibility of a pit dog attack. from my personal experience though, there are lots of other dogs out there that will bite or maul your kids or dogs .ive had bad experiences including bites needing vet attention from half a dozen other breeds. many dogs with a bad disposition are not dealt with and survive to bite again. i am pretty cautious with almost any dog that looks at all like it could be problem. b.t.w there are of course other breeds that will bite and hold. we had a rotti do this to one of our smalldogs.
"I think it's alot better to fully understand the breed and make informed choices about owning one than it is to just hate them and tell people to avoid them at all costs."
How do you go about this? Do you have a web site? A blog? What information do you provide for people to make an informed choice? Is there a column ‘A,’ the pros, a column ‘B’, the negatives - and the potential consequences of these negatives. Of all the pro pit sites out there, are there any that share information regarding the disproportionate rate of deaths associated with the breed? Is there an explanation as to why the associated negative stereotypes are so frequently reinforced by pit bull owners? Is there an explanation as to why insurance actuaries recognize the risk and often refuse to cover them?
In my experience, the pit bull advocacy operates like the old tobacco lobby: Admit nothing. Disclose nothing. Use “experts” to endorse the product as healthy and safe. Obfuscate the negatives by any means necessary. Collateral damage is never more than an inconvenience that can always be explained away.
I can only speak for myself on this issue. So why do I have such disdain for most pit bull owners? I've had several negative personal experiences with their breed of choice. After the last, and most catastrophic, I began doing a little research on the breed and their owners. There are many groups of people who are idiotic. I could rail against any of them that actively cause harm with their stupidity. I just have a thing for pit nutters though. I think it is their combination of being dangerous, misinformed, not able to parse any reasoned argument correctly, and their continual insistence that the above is not true of them but of those to which they are opposed. I can see no reason to suffer those fools kindly.
"Jake, i agree if you have kids or dogs you have to be concerned about the possibility of a pit dog attack."
Hence the anger, buddy. The rest of the neighborhood has kids and dogs and we're all concerned about the possibility too.
Pit bulls are much more likely to escape and go looking for things to attack. Usually our pets, but also often children and joggers.
I think Reader is just playing the concern troll game. I don't know how anyone could believe any group of people could be trashier than pit nutters. Many people have the mistaken impression that being nice to people you don't like is a moral requirement. It is not.
"I've continued to read over the months and have not seen any redeeming quality's."
Did you at least catch on to the fact that there are a whole lot of angry pit bull victims, and the victim list grows everyday? Just look how far you have to scroll through this week's stories to get to comments, and this doesn't even include attacks on humans. Knowing the attacks I've experienced, the attacks friends have experienced, and knowing none of these events appeared in the news, I suspect the stories appearing here aren't even a fraction of attacks by pit bulls.
The fact that pit bulls even need these public relations campaigns tells me plenty. Where are the advocacy sites for weimaraners? For springer spaniels? If golden retrievers are “misunderstood,” it seems new owners didn’t understand how much they can shed this time of year.
Siegfried and Roy could do a thousand shows with their pet tigers, but once a tiger kills someone in your village, that big kitty advocacy loses its gusto. Until pit bull advocates figure out how to stop pit bull attacks, their friendly pit bull show is nothing but a circus act and a draft of hot air.
Here's one that happened to my friend in N. Carolina less than a week ago that won't be on the news. His friend came to visit and brought his pit bull. My friend's mutt and the pit bull got into a fight. No one saw who started it, so I won't speculate. The pit bull did end up biting my friend's hand while he was trying to save his dog. He ended up at the hospital. The next day the pit bull killed a yorkie. The community dog control took the dog, my friend's friend had to go home without his wiggle butt. The pit is going to be put down, probably already has.
EEK: my comment was to jake and had nothing to do with anger , buddy. i know jake has a smallish dog like i do,and my comment was a warning, be it needed or not, that his small can be killed quickly by almost any big dog, not just a pit dog. go ahead , draw some false conclusion from that.
"i know jake has a smallish dog like i do,and my comment was a warning, be it needed or not, that his small can be killed quickly by almost any big dog"
I'll take the odds that any small dog that was killed by a larger dog was killed by a pit bull and let those odds pile up the cash for me. You take the other side of that bet and I'll wave to you when I drive by the homeless shelter.
anon 5:41 said: "from my personal experience though, there are lots of other dogs out there that will bite or maul your kids or dogs .ive had bad experiences including bites needing vet attention from half a dozen other breeds."
While it's technically true that any breed of dog can bite, it sounds almost like you're saying pit bulls are just like other dogs.
Pit bulls differ from other breeds and bring violence to a whole new level by virtue of their genetics. Canine DNA is a wonderful thing, and has allowed very specialized breed specific body type and brain wiring. For instance, you might be able to teach a poodle to herd sheep, but it will never ever be as good at it as a border collie.
In the same vein, it's possible to abuse a German Shepherd and make him mean, but he will never attack with the same savagery and sustained ferocity as a pit bull.
For the past 100 years, pit bulls have been the most prolific maulers and killers of man and beast. Rotties are a distant second. No other breed comes close.
And no other breed ever does what pit bulls do, for instance, home invasion maulings and killings, horse killings, cow killings, etc. The breed was created to kill other animals, and it is pretty good at killing people too.
For anyone to responsibly own a pit bull, they must manage it with the same caution as if it were a lion or an alligator. 99% of pit bull owners don't do this.
I agree with everything Jake said. I will add this. Pits can sustain an attack against an angry, armed human opponent more so than other dogs. At least the stories here indicate that. If you view the archives and follow links you will find pits that maintained an attack after being pepper sprayed (pit bull breath spray really) and beaten by sizeable objects (like hammers and ball bats) wielded by large men, often in groups. I have respect for GSD and their tenacity as police dogs. However, if one attacked and I landed a square blow to its head with a ballpen hammer, I believe it would end the fight. Not so much with pit bulls. They ignore the pain and are not so easily frightened away from their prey object.
you guys seem to be missing my point that a dog killed by a nasty st bernard is just as dead as one killed by a pit. i dont know or care about the odds or statistics, i treat all dogs that look dangerous as though they are pits. remember that the nutters too cite statistics, but for me, its my personal experience (that does include pit incidents) that counts. dude, i think its more likely me driving by you at the homeless or dog shelter.
anonagain said:
"remember that the nutters too cite statistics"
The fighting dog lobby is very selective about the statistics they use, parroting the ones they think show pit bulls in a good light, and avoiding or trying to discredit or cover up the ones that show the disproportionate danger posed by pit bulls. They come up with bogus tests like the ATTS, and try to snow everyone with lots of feel-good numbers about how well pit bulls do on the test.
Our side welcomes all statistics, studies and reports - we analyze them, de-bunk them, read between the lines, and make sense of them. We're more than happy to talk about any of the them, and we think the largest, most rigorous and impartial studies are the ones the pit bull lobbyists are avoiding.
i know that pit dogs have a high tolerance for pain bred into them for obvious reasons but i find it hard to believe a pit would not be knocked out or killed by a baseball bat or even a hammer attack. how can their skulls be so thick or there brains any different. as for punctured lungs or a cut throat, well nothing can survive that. ill let you know how it goes if and when.
prepared for all said:
"i find it hard to believe a pit would not be knocked out or killed by a baseball bat or even a hammer attack"
Yeah, you and me both. After my kids were attacked, and after I had some uncomfortable late night encounters with loose pit bulls while walking baby girl, I decided I needed to be prepared.
I ordered a Brooklyn smasher baseball bat, but I then kept seeing too many reports of pit bulls unfazed by full force blows from baseball bats. I bought a special hammer to carry on our walks, and read reports of pit bulls shrugging off hammer blows to the head. I read reports of pit bulls unaffected when a shovel was broken over their back, and so I started doing some serious searching to find out what my best options were.
Shotguns seem to work the best, decent handguns with hollow point ammo are effective, and knives, when used correctly, are also effective.
Since it's almost impossible to get a concealed carry permit where I live, I keep a Spyderco wave M4 knife with me. It's easy to open in an emergency, it's wicked sharp, and I won't hesitate to use it on any mutant fighting dog that comes after me or mine.
We might get hurt, but the attacker absolutely will pay dearly for it.
i would think dude and anon would be experts at dispatching pits. unless they re both full of shit.but they do talk the talk and seem to have that go for the throat personality,both. mind you i think dude is a rescue nut too. hmmmmmmm.you just never know what some people are capable of until the crunch. well what can you say about anon except he seems to love dude and i hope not in that butt hurt way he keeps going on about. there are so many different anons how do you which one is the butt hurt one?
Prepared for all said
"i find it hard to believe a pit would not be knocked out or killed by a baseball bat or even a hammer attack"
Go to the top left of the blog page and use the search function for separate searches for the following terms: "hammer","bat", and "shovel". Inside each search, hit control + F and then type the term into the intra-page search, that way you will be taken to the terms without having to scan. Also, watch the justice mule video linked at the top right of the blog page.
Here's the thing: no one should have to worry about smashing a dog in the head with a hammer or bat durig a walk around the neighborhood. I am fully prepared to kill any pit bull that attaches itself to either of my dogs, but look at the position that puts me into. I don't want to kill any animal, certainly not someone's pet. Why can't others have the same concern for me? And that's what this really comes down to - educated, concerned people don't own pit bulls. So the bulk of pit bull owners are uneducated and unconcerned. It's the worst possible combination of dog and owner and every week we see the real life examples of that combo. Everyone knows pit bulls are not "born mean" and that some live their whole lives and don't cause a problem, but so many do, and so many can given the right circumstances, that many of us carry weapons to walk our dogs in our own otherwise safe neighborhoods. That's insane! If you love and want pit bulls, you take the precautions and you deal with the extra measures so that we don't have to be concerned with your choice of dog. No one has a right to own a pit bull, especially at the expense of the rest of the neighborhood. If you don't like it, get another dog. You might even like the experience of owning a normal, non-mauling animal that people don't run and hide from.
anon : everyone knows a pitbull is not born mean? is it just bad owners making them mean like the nutters say? pits are no more frankendogs than another breed like say border collies or wiener dogs. a border collie might herd till it drops dead from exhaustion still wagging its tail. actually i suspect borders dont wag their tails to save energy for the job. a weiner dog was bred to go down holes but now some people strangely like the look so we still have a dog that needs an other two legs in the middle to avoid back problems later in life. so heap scorn on the pitbull breed but save some for yourselves anon and dude
"Everyone knows pit bulls are not "born mean" and that some live their whole lives and don't cause a problem"
Most of even the best fighting dogs don't turn on until the dog is over a year old, though pit bull puppies will occasionally kill their littermates (ex: Spook, Eli's dam).
Pit bulls don't even have to have an aggressive temperament - though many do - to suddenly "light up" or "turn on" with the dog aggression and go after a dog like most dogs go after a plush toy.
Only pit bulls and other fighting dogs have 'dog aggression.' It is a very perverse, unnatural trait to attack your own kind for no reason - a person with this trait is called a psychopath.
So, what these dog men did was find the dog equivalents of Vlad the Impaler and Ted Bundy and bred them to each other over and over and over until they got Ted the Ipaler Bundy.
Other dogs become aggressive towards other dogs for the typical reasons we all know, pit bulls will become aggressive for all the typical reasons plus because they were bred to be psychopaths of the dog world.
Confused about the idiot dog's wiggly demeanor when its not mauling? Read up on Ted bundy. He wasn't angry or vengeful. He just liked killing because of his "moral idiocy."
snack : you are wrong to say only pits have dog aggression. most dogs have some it just doesnt amount to much. but in other dogs this aggression will lead to bites and even maulings but probably not to the degree of pits. those pit puppies have their genes from the very start and so they are born mean and thats why theyve been known to kill each other. ted bundy and vlad werent bred to be killers and were perhaps unusual but pitbulls are simply a breed of dog and probably shouldnt be vilified any more than another dog for being created by its breeders
anon, you're wrong. I clearly said only fighting dogs have aggression towards their own kind for NO REASON. That is dog aggression. When people talk about other breeds having dog aggression, they are wrong. Dogs can be aggressive towards other dogs because of territoriality, dominance, fear, etc, but non-fighting dogs aren't aggressive for no other reason but their genetics - well unless you get one of those aberrant ted bundy dogs that the dogfighters identified and bred like all get out.
Take Bullyson, he was so insane, the dogfighters were afraid to handle him. Look it up, you can find dogs today that brag they have Eli/bullyson bloodlines. And Eli was out of Spook, who was the only surviving pup of a litter that attacked and killed each other.
Nope, vlad and ted weren't bred to be psychopaths. I'm saying the dogmen had to find the aberrant dogs originally to breed. They found aberrant animals with brain abnormalities and bred them all together to create a sociopathic dog. Pit bulls are not like other dogs.
And its extremely important to not let pit bull nutters talk about how all dogs have dog aggression. That is a trait unique to fighting dogs.
Snack, this is very interesting from a genetic perspective. I'm thinking of two possibilities. Perhaps, the pit bull fighting lines started from identifying the dogs that had a genetic sequence that caused them to behave highly abnormally with elevated dog-aggression (it probably wasn't a single gene but a constellation). This would start the fighting line quickly, just pick the few psychos and go. Or maybe they found dogs that behaved somewhat normally but had a lower threshold for aggression. If they kept breeding these slightly lower thresold dogs together, eventually they would get a few whose trigger was so low that it would be tripped by almost anything and eventually just the sight of another dog. Either way, I agree with your assessment. I'm just wondering how long it took to create the highly dog-aggressive behavior.
maybe they selected dogs that were most aggressive and then bred them. its called selective breeding and its not rocket science anon.im not sure you were being sincere and i think you might also be a liar.
"so heap scorn on the pitbull breed but save some for yourselves anon and dude"
Save some scorn for my border collie? Or for border collies in general? Or for border collie owners?
Poor troll. Another swan dive into an empty pool. Another long walk off a short pier. Another golden shower from pissing into a fan in the pissing match they started.
For an experienced dog owner/trainer/ handler with the right environment, a border collie is a natural and rewarding choice.
Unlike pit bull advocates, border collie owners put the caveats front and center. And I'll add these dogs aren't for chubby keyboard lizards that spend inordinate amounts of time pointlessly flame baiting people in comment sections. What’s more, I'm sick of the stereo types about border collie owners. If I hear about another active, successful professional with a gigantic hobby farm and a border collie, I'm gonna f'ing scream! We can’t all be rich lawyers and wall street types that have retired to the country. In fact, the last border collie owner I met is a hard working physician that still lives in the suburbs, so please don’t start with the stereotypes!
There will always be a handful of people anxious to flame border collies. There's something about professional trainers continuously repeating that stereotype about border collies being the smartest, most agile and athletic breed on earth. Something about that pushes weak minds over the edge.
Keep pissing in your fan, troll. My border collie is reminding me to close out some positions before the market closes, and has some fresh buys he’d like to blog about, if only he had the fingers to type with ;-)
My dog recommends: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4395MP614Q
snack: you say that only pit dogs have aggression that leads them to attack for no reason. how can any body know that.bollocks ! if my dog is attacked and killed by say a demented inbred st bernard that comes down a driveway and dismembers my dog on the street would you say that is normal and not real aggression? it really does seem hard to get thru to some people who just want to make more of something than there is.
"maybe they selected dogs that were most aggressive and then bred them. its called selective breeding and its not rocket science anon.im not sure you were being sincere and i think you might also be a liar."
I was being totally sincere. It's like this. You have an island with freakishly tall people. Was it formed from two freakishly tall people and therefore average height increased rapidly or did people of slightly above average height selectively mate over a period of years and so average height increased slowly? It's just a question I had.
dude:oh my god your knickers are in a twist again. im not sure i believe all that boastfull crap about a hobby farm ect. i think you might just be a bit overflowing of that nasty brown stuff. guess i really was right on the button with that narcisstic border collie stereotype.if im a troll im certainly good at it. does anon ever come to visit you at your hobby farm of an evening??
Only fighting breeds have the genetics for dog-directed aggression purposefully instilled in them. I knew a Jack Russell that would sometimes snap at other dogs. It was a byproduct of being selected as ratters and fox hunters perhaps. If over one hundred years or more, you instead purposefully selected dogs with genetics that causes them to want to fight other dogs (because you want that), guess what you get? A breed whose gene pool contains that gene in spades and on purpose. It's simple.
The worst thing to do to a troll is to ignore them. Negative attention is better than no attention. I'm sorry I responded before to the bait.
I'm waiting for a pit nutter to pick up on what Snack said and name their wiggle butt "Ted The Impaler Bundy". It wouldn't be much worse than their typical names (Killer, Debo, Slag, Ruckus, etc).
This describes the heritable features of aggression - both a brain defect and genetic differences in seratonin levels.
The brain defect would be analogous to the Tall man and woman left on an island, to quickly populate the island with tall people.
The genetic seratonin regulators would be analogous to the slowly increasing height scenario.
Note that the brain deformity can and has occurred in other breeds, so one might come across the demented St. Bernard Anon so loves to hold up.
However, in all other breeds, steps are taken to quickly remove the animals from the gene pool, whereas dog fighters exclaimed, "Jackpot!" and bred like the dickens.
Not only that, by breeding for the brain deformity, the dogfighters assured that many dogs might carry the gene for the deformity but not express it themselves. That means someone's wiggle butt can easily produce a man biter.
Thanks Snack for the thoughtful reply to my sincere question. I see you easily grasped my point. It's interesting that both processes were/are ongoing in the selection process. As nutters will say, any dog has a chance of being born "off" or aggressive. True enough, in a sense, but only among fighting breeds was/is this a prized "virtue".
"the commenter is referring to me posting the image of a little girl practicing the dogman pose with a pit bull puppy at a pit bull show and making a snarky comment about the way she emulating those around her."
You were correct I didn't know the little girl was doing a "dogman pose" I don't see that as making any difference. That was a 5 yr old child you were making "snarky" remarks about.
I don't know anything about dogs and such,I'm a cat person but I do vote. I've looked at positive and negative bull dog sites. One need only read the Fabians law thread to understand why people think of you as haters.
I was pretty much leaning toward voting BSL but after reading some of the comments. I'll be sending my vote another direction.
"dude:oh my god your knickers are in a twist again. im not sure i believe all that boastfull crap about a hobby farm ect."
Dear moron; please show me where I specifically claimed to have a hobby farm. My depiction of stereotypical border collie owners was a general portrayal, and meant as a juxtaposition to stereotypes of pit bull owners. This would be obvious to any astute reader, never mind the accuracy of the stereotypes.
Was the depiction of border collie owners as being people with hobby farms, boasting? That depends on the audience. I think it would get a laugh from a poodle owning CEO loafing on a yacht. On the other hand, I can see how an uneducated and congruously impoverished troll could mistake that for bragging. (Now that I realize how clear I have to be, this means I think you’re poor because you’re stupid.)
There is a chance this claim of a border collie on a hobby farm is derivative of my own true circumstance. Or, as you assert, I’m spinning a tall tale. While I think it’s funny that someone would consider such a small thing “boastfull crap,” I’d like to give you the opportunity to put your money where your mouth is. Do you have any money for a wager, or are you as financially worthless as you are intellectually bankrupt? Don’t waste my time with escrow accounts, attorneys, discovery and proof for anything less than 20K. Put up, or STFU.
anon 4:23 said
"I was pretty much leaning toward voting BSL but after reading some of the comments. I'll be sending my vote another direction."
How sad. So, you don't vote according to what you know to be reasonable and right, but instead as your way of getting back at those you feel have ruffled your feathers.
Since your vote affects your locality, you are only potentially hurting yourself, your pets, and your neighbors.
I suspect you've never intended to vote for BSL anyway - but you already knew that.
i'll s.t.f.u. only cause ur making me feel evil for winding you up like this and im not really a bad chubby troll. if i killed a pit would you guys let me join your cyber- wankers boys club? craven cant really be a cyber-crone can he? the mind really boggles sometimes.
Reader, by ALL means, please vote down BSL in your community should the opportunity ever arise. More pit bulls in your neighborhood mean more opportunities for you to become "truly educated" about the breed, not that anybody here with any sense isn't aware that you're lying that you had ever considered otherwise, or that you're a cat person. No true cat person would ever support pit bull owners.
wankerwannabe said:
"if i killed a pit would you guys let me join your cyber- wankers boys club?"
Not bloody likely. If you were to kill any animal in cold blood which had not harmed you or yours, and was not a threat, you would merely be considered a sick sociopath, and that act would not endear you to anyone here.
Wanker, you consider getting schooled somebody being "wound up"? You're not very good at reading situations, are you?
"i'll s.t.f.u. only cause ur making me feel evil for winding you up"
You have a better reason than that to shut up. I've called you out on your bogus assertion. Given the chance to put some money where your mouth is, even you've come to understand your opinion is worse than worthless. In this case it would cost you money.
Check mate dumb ass.
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